The street called Mill Green, densely lined with cottage fronts of many shades, rises quite steeply; it is crossing a hump of ground around which the river takes a longer swing. A few openings among the houses on the right lead to glimpses of the river down in its rocky channel, clattering over cataracts. Where the street bends to the left, the shadow (on a sunny day) sits across it like a black block.

From here Mill Green descends to another point that touches the river.

This is the endas far as you can get inland along the river valley, by car. If in a car, turn back!
There appear to be several ways to go: up to the left (but that is only between houses); a way ascending ahead (but that too is only to some houses). Down to the right there is a cobbled slipway, leading into what must once have been a ford across the angle of the river; it has been replaced, to its right, by a footbridge in the minimal form of a concrete slab, crossing to what is now a block of flats but was once a mill. This way becomes a footpath up to Anning Road. (After heavy rain the stream sometimes rises to cover this flat bridge, and water coming down a side culvert lifts the manhole covers in the path.)
The only way forward that follows the river
is a path whose beginning is almost hidden by a clump of vegetation.
It slips along the bank between a stone house-side and a railing.