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Timetable of astronomical events


1 SUN. ( 7)    Mars 0.02° S. of Neptune (59° from Sun in evening sky); magnitudes 0.9 and 7.9.
2 Mon. ( 4)    Moon 0.29° N.N.W. of asteroid 20 Massalia ( 45° from Sun in evening sky).
2 Mon. ( 8)    Moon 1.8° N.N.W. of Venus (47° from Sun in evening sky).
2 Mon. (18:15) Moon at descending node (longitude 334.5°).
3 Tue. ( 4)    Moon 0.39° N.N.W. of Neptune (57° from Sun in evening sky). Occultation.
3 Tue. ( 5)    Moon, Mars, and Neptune within circle of diameter 1.41°; 57° East of the Sun.
3 Tue. ( 7)    Moon 0.25° N.W. of Mars (58° from Sun in evening sky). Occultation.
3 Tue. ( 7:22) Latest sunrise (7:22 AM) at latitude 40° north.
3 Tue. (14)    Quadrantid meteors.
4 Wed. (14)    Earth at perihelion,0.98331 AU (147,101,450 km) from Sun.
4 Wed. (20)    Mercury at greatest latitude north of the ecliptic plane (7.0°).
5 Thu. (19:47) First Quarter Moon.
6 Fri. ( 1)    Comet 45P Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova brightest; magnitude 7.1.
6 Fri. ( 4)    Moon 3.1° S.S.E. of Uranus (about 94° from Sun in evening sky).
7 SAT.         Eastern Orthodox Christmas.
7 SAT. ( 1)    Pluto at conjunction with the Sun.
8 SUN. (10)    Mercury stationary in right ascension; resumes direct (eastward) motion.
8 SUN. (22)    Moon 9.2° S.S.E. of Pleiades (131° from Sun in evening sky).
9 Mon. ( 9)    Mercury 6.8° E.N.E. of Saturn (21° and 27° from Sun in morning sky); magnitudes 0.3 and 0.6. Mercury is again near to Saturn Dec. 7.
9 Mon. (15)    Moon 0.37° N. of Aldebaran (140° from Sun in evening sky). Occultation.
10 Tue. ( 5:56) Moon at perigee; distance 56.95 Earth-radii.
10 Tue. (16)    Uranus at east quadrature.
11 Wed. ( 3)    Moon 5.4° S. of M35 cluster (161° from Sun in evening sky).
12 Thu. ( 5)    Jupiter at west quadrature.
12 Thu. (10)    Moon 13.6° S. of Castor (176° and 170° from Sun in the midnight sky).
12 Thu. (11:34) Full Moon.
12 Thu. (13)    Venus at greatest elongation east, 47.2° from the Sun.
12 Thu. (14)    Moon 10.0° S. of Pollux (176° and 173° from Sun in the midnight sky).
12 Thu. (21)    Venus 0.36° N.N.W. of Neptune (47° from Sun in evening sky); magnitudes -4.4 and 7.9.
13 Fri. ( 2)    Mars at heliocentric conjunction with Uranus. Their heliocentric longitude is 23.5°.
13 Fri. (13)    Moon 3.6° S. of Beehive Cluster (166° from Sun in morning sky).
14 SAT.         This day is Jan. 1 in the Julian calendar.
14 SAT. (13)    Venus at theoretical dichotomy, half illuminated as seen from Earth.
15 SUN. ( 4)    Moon 0.81° S.S.W. of Regulus (145° from Sun in morning sky). Occultation.
15 SUN. (10:47) Moon at ascending node (longitude 153.9°).
17 Tue. (17)    Asteroid 4 Vesta at opposition. Magnitude 6.3.
17 Tue. (18)    Venus at ascending node through the ecliptic plane.
19 Thu. ( 3)    Gamma Ursa Minorid meteors.
19 Thu. ( 7)    Moon 2.6° N.N.E. of Jupiter (97° from Sun in morning sky).
19 Thu. (10)    Moon 6.0° N.N.E. of Spica (about 95° from Sun in morning sky).
19 Thu. (10)    Mercury at greatest elongation west, 24.1° from the Sun.
19 Thu. (14)    Sun enters Capricornus, at longitude 299.69° on the ecliptic.
19 Thu. (21)    Sun enters the astrological sign Aquarius, i.e. its longitude is 300°.
19 Thu. (22:13) Last Quarter Moon.
22 SUN. ( 0)    Moon at apogee; distance 63.49 Earth-radii.
23 Mon. ( 7)    Moon 9.7° N. of Antares (54° from Sun in morning sky).
24 Tue. (11)    Moon 3.6° N. of Saturn (41° from Sun in morning sky).
26 Thu. ( 0)    Moon 3.7° N. of Mercury (23° from Sun in morning sky).
26 Thu. ( 6)    Moon, Mercury, and Pluto within circle of diameter 4.91°; 21° west of the Sun.
26 Thu. (10)    Moon 2.8° N. of Pluto (19° from Sun in morning sky).
28 SAT. ( 0:07) Moon New. Beginning of lunation 1164.
28 SAT. ( 5)    Mercury at descending node through the ecliptic plane.
29 SUN. (12)    Mars crosses equator into north hemisphere of sky.
29 SUN. (18)    Mercury 1.2° S. of Pluto (22° from Sun in morning sky).
29 SUN. (22:22) Moon at descending node (longitude 333.4°).
30 Mon. ( 8)    Moon 0.82° S.S.E. of asteroid 20 Massalia ( 28° from Sun in evening sky).
30 Mon. (11)    Moon 0.20° N.W. of Neptune (30° from Sun in evening sky). Occultation.
31 Tue. (17)    Moon 3.9° S.S.E. of Venus (about 45° from Sun in evening sky).
31 Tue. (22)    Moon, Venus, and Mars within circle of diameter 5.45°; 48° East of the Sun.

1 Wed. ( 3)    Moon 2.2° S.S.E. of Mars (50° from Sun in evening sky).
1 Wed. (13)    Jupiter 3.6° N. of Spica (about 109° from Sun in morning sky); magnitudes -2.2 and 1.0.
2 Thu.         Candlemas or Groundhog Day, one of the four cross-quarter days, half way between solstices and equinoxes.
2 Thu. (10)    Moon 3.3° S.S.E. of Uranus (67° from Sun in evening sky).
2 Thu. (11)    Venus 5.4° W. of Mars (45° and 50° from Sun in evening sky); magnitudes -4.6 and 1.1.
3 Fri. ( 1)    Moon 0.99° N.N.W. of asteroid 1 Ceres ( 75° from Sun in evening sky). Occultation.
3 Fri. (11)    Neptune 1.2° S.S.E. of asteroid 20 Massalia ( 26° from Sun in evening sky); magnitudes 8.0 and 11.9.
4 SAT. ( 4:19) First Quarter Moon.
5 SUN. ( 5)    Moon 9.3° S.S.E. of Pleiades (104° from Sun in evening sky).
5 SUN. (22)    Moon 0.25° N.N.E. of Aldebaran (113° from Sun in evening sky). Occultation.
6 Mon. (14:15) Moon at perigee; distance 57.82 Earth-radii.
6 Mon. (18)    Jupiter stationary in right ascension; begins retrograde (westward) motion.
7 Tue. (11)    Moon 5.5° S. of M35 cluster (133° from Sun in evening sky).
7 Tue. (14)    Mercury at aphelion, 0.4667 AU from the Sun.
8 Wed. ( 1)    Alpha Centaurid meteors.
8 Wed. (19)    Moon 13.7° S. of Castor (about 150° from Sun in evening sky).
8 Wed. (24)    Moon 10.0° S. of Pollux (about 153° from Sun in evening sky).
9 Thu. (23)    Moon 3.6° S. of Beehive Cluster (166° from Sun in evening sky).
10 Fri. (21)    Moon 1.6° S.S.W. of comet 41P Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (178° from Sun in the midnight sky).
11 SAT. ( 0:33) Full Moon.  Penumbral eclipse of the Moon.
11 SAT. ( 4)    The equation of time is at minimum for the year, -14.24 minutes.
11 SAT. (14)    Moon 0.77° S. of Regulus (173° from Sun in the midnight sky). Occultation.
11 SAT. (19:50) Moon at ascending node (longitude 153.3°).
12 SUN. (15)    Asteroid 20 Massalia 1.4° S.E. of 2 Pallas (about 20° from Sun in evening sky); magnitudes 11.8 and 10.2.
14 Tue.         St. Valentine’s Day.
14 Tue. (12)    Mercury 1.2° S.S.E. of comet 29P Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 ( 15° from Sun in morning sky); magnitudes -0.4 and 15.8.
15 Wed. (17)    Moon 2.6° N.N.E. of Jupiter (124° from Sun in morning sky).
15 Wed. (18)    Moon 6.1° N.N.E. of Spica (123° from Sun in morning sky).
16 Thu. ( 9)    Sun enters Aquarius, at longitude 327.87° on the ecliptic.
17 Fri. ( 4)    Jupiter at aphelion, 5.4565 AU from the Sun.
17 Fri. ( 7)    Venus shows greatest illuminated extent.
18 SAT. (11)    Sun enters the astrological sign Pisces, i.e. its longitude is 330°.
18 SAT. (16)    Venus brightest; magnitude -4.6.
18 SAT. (19:34) Last Quarter Moon.
18 SAT. (21)    Moon at apogee; distance 63.40 Earth-radii.
19 SUN. (15)    Moon 9.8° N. of Antares (81° from Sun in morning sky).
20 Mon. (17)    Venus at perihelion, 0.7184 AU from the Sun.
20 Mon. (24)    Moon 3.6° N. of Saturn (66° from Sun in morning sky).
21 Tue. (22)    Middle of eclipse season: Sun is at same longitude as Moon’s descending node, 333.5°.
22 Wed. (20)    Moon 2.8° N. of Pluto (46° from Sun in morning sky).
24 Fri. (22)    Moon 1.3° S.S.E. of asteroid 7 Iris ( 21° from Sun in morning sky).
26 SUN. ( 1)    Moon 2.4° N.N.W. of Mercury (only about 7° from the Sun).
26 SUN. ( 6:30) Moon at descending node (longitude 333.4°).
26 SUN. (14:59) Moon New. Beginning of lunation 1165.  Annular eclipse of the Sun.
26 SUN. (21)    Moon 0.14° N.N.E. of Neptune (only about 3° from the Sun). Occultation.
26 SUN. (24)    Mars 0.57° N.N.W. of Uranus (43° from Sun in evening sky); magnitudes 1.3 and 5.9.
27 Mon. ( 5)    Mars at ascending node through the ecliptic plane.
27 Mon. (21)    Mercury at greatest latitude south of the ecliptic plane (-7.0°).
28 Tue.         Shrove Tuesday.
28 Tue. ( 0)    Venus 11.5° W.N.W. of Uranus (34° and 42° from Sun in evening sky); magnitudes -4.6 and 5.9.

1 Wed.         Ash Wednesday, beginning of Lent.
1 Wed. ( 2)    Moon 9.7° S.S.E. of Venus (about 32° from Sun in evening sky).
1 Wed. (18)    Moon 3.4° S.S.E. of Uranus (41° from Sun in evening sky).
1 Wed. (20)    Moon, Mars, and Uranus within circle of diameter 4.16°; 42° East of the Sun.
1 Wed. (21)    Moon 4.1° S.S.E. of Mars (43° from Sun in evening sky).
2 Thu. ( 3)    Neptune at conjunction with the Sun.
2 Thu. (14)    Venus stationary in right ascension; begins retrograde (westward) motion.
2 Thu. (21)    Moon 0.81° S.S.E. of asteroid 1 Ceres (about 55° from Sun in evening sky). Occultation.
3 Fri. ( 7:29) Moon at perigee; distance 57.86 Earth-radii.
4 SAT. (10)    Moon 9.3° S.S.E. of Pleiades (76° from Sun in evening sky).
4 SAT. (12)    Mercury 1.0° S.S.E. of Neptune (only about 2° from the Sun).
5 SUN. ( 3)    Moon 0.25° N.N.W. of Aldebaran (85° from Sun in evening sky). Occultation.
5 SUN. (11:33) First Quarter Moon.
6 Mon.         Sun’s north pole most inclined (7.25°) away from Earth.
6 Mon. (17)    Moon 5.5° S. of M35 cluster (106° from Sun in evening sky).
7 Tue. ( 0)    Mercury at superior conjunction with the Sun, 1.363 AU from the Earth.
8 Wed. ( 2)    Moon 13.7° S. of Castor (about 123° from Sun in evening sky).
8 Wed. ( 7)    Moon 10.1° S. of Pollux (about 125° from Sun in evening sky).
9 Thu. ( 7)    Moon 3.6° S. of Beehive Cluster (139° from Sun in evening sky).
10 Fri. ( 2)    Comet 2P Encke at perihelion, 0.3359 AU from the Sun. Magnitude 3.5.
10 Fri. (22)    Moon 0.77° S.S.W. of Regulus (160° from Sun in evening sky). Occultation.
11 SAT. ( 4:20) Moon at ascending node (longitude 153.4°).
11 SAT. (23)    Sun enters Pisces, at longitude 351.55° on the ecliptic.
12 SUN.         Second Sunday in March: in North America, change clocks forward 1 hour, from Standard Time to summer (“Daylight Saving”) Time.
12 SUN. (14:54) Full Moon.
14 Tue. ( 6)    Venus at greatest latitude north of the ecliptic plane (3.4°).
14 Tue. (15)    Gamma Normid meteors.
14 Tue. (22)    Moon 2.3° N.N.E. of Jupiter (153° from Sun in morning sky).
15 Wed.         The Ides of March.
15 Wed. ( 3)    Moon 6.1° N.N.E. of Spica (151° from Sun in morning sky).
17 Fri.         St. Patrick’s Day.
17 Fri. (22)    Saturn at west quadrature.
18 SAT. (17)    Moon at apogee; distance 63.44 Earth-radii.
18 SAT. (18)    Mercury 8.5° S.S.E. of Venus (11° and 14° from Sun in evening sky); magnitudes -1.3 and -4.2.
18 SAT. (22)    Mercury at ascending node through the ecliptic plane.
18 SAT. (23)    Moon 9.8° N. of Antares (108° from Sun in morning sky).
20 Mon. (10:29) March or spring or vernal equinox.
20 Mon. (10:26) Sun enters (at the equinox) the astrological sign Aries, i.e. its longitude is 0°.
20 Mon. (11)    Moon 3.4° N. of Saturn (92° from Sun in morning sky).
20 Mon. (16:00) Last Quarter Moon.
22 Wed. ( 6)    Moon 2.7° N. of Pluto (about 72° from Sun in morning sky).
23 Thu. (14)    Mercury at perihelion, 0.3075 AU from the Sun.
24 Fri. (13)    Moon 1.5° N.N.W. of comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 ( 46° from Sun in morning sky).
25 SAT.         Feast of the Annunciation–beginning of the year in England till 1752.
25 SAT. (10)    Venus at inferior conjunction with the Sun, 0.281 AU from the Earth and 8.29° north of the Sun.
25 SAT. (15:43) Moon at descending node (longitude 333.1°).
26 SUN.         Last Sunday in March: in the European Union, change clocks forward 1 hour, from Standard Time to “Daylight Saving” Time.
26 SUN. ( 8)    Moon 0.11° W.S.W. of Neptune (23° from Sun in morning sky). Occultation.
26 SUN. (10)    Mercury 2.1° N.N.W. of Uranus (17° from Sun in evening sky); magnitudes -0.8 and 5.9. Mercury re-passes Uranus Apr. 28.
27 Mon. (19)    Moon 10.7° S.S.E. of Venus (only about 7° from the Sun).
28 Tue. ( 2:58) Moon New. Beginning of lunation 1166.
29 Wed. ( 5)    Moon 3.4° S.S.E. of Uranus (15° from Sun in evening sky).
29 Wed. (11)    Moon 6.3° S.S.E. of Mercury (about 18° from Sun in evening sky).
30 Thu. (12:34) Moon at perigee; distance 57.05 Earth-radii.
30 Thu. (16)    Moon 5.3° S.S.E. of Mars (35° from Sun in evening sky).
31 Fri. (17)    Moon 9.2° S.S.E. of Pleiades (49° from Sun in evening sky).

1 SAT. ( 9)    Moon 0.35° N.N.W. of Aldebaran (58° from Sun in evening sky). Occultation.
1 SAT. (10)    Mercury at greatest elongation east, 19.0° from the Sun.
2 SUN. (19)    Mercury at greatest latitude north of the ecliptic plane (7.0°).
2 SUN. (23)    Moon 5.4° S. of M35 cluster (79° from Sun in evening sky).
3 Mon. (18:40) First Quarter Moon.
4 Tue. ( 7)    Moon 13.5° S. of Castor (about 96° from Sun in evening sky).
4 Tue. (12)    Moon 9.9° S. of Pollux (about 98° from Sun in evening sky).
5 Wed. (12)    Moon 3.5° S. of Beehive Cluster (112° from Sun in evening sky).
6 Thu. ( 4)    Saturn stationary in right ascension; begins retrograde (westward) motion.
7 Fri. ( 4)    Moon 0.70° S.S.W. of Regulus (133° from Sun in evening sky). Occultation.
7 Fri. ( 9:16) Moon at ascending node (longitude 152.7°).
7 Fri. (21)    Jupiter at opposition.
9 SUN.         Palm Sunday, end of Lent, beginning of Holy Week.
10 Mon. ( 1)    Mercury stationary in right ascension; begins retrograde (westward) motion.
10 Mon. (23)    Moon 2.1° N.N.E. of Jupiter (about 175° from Sun in the midnight sky).
11 Tue. ( 6:08) Full Moon.
11 Tue. (10)    Moon 6.1° N.N.E. of Spica (about 176° from Sun in the midnight sky).
11 Tue. (23)    Asteroid 8 Flora 0.77° S.E. of 2 Pallas ( 18° from Sun in morning sky); magnitudes 10.9 and 10.0.
12 Wed. (24)    Venus stationary in right ascension; resumes direct (eastward) motion.
13 Thu. (23)    Comet 41P Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak at perihelion, 1.0451 AU from the Sun. Magnitude 6.7.
14 Fri.         Good Friday.
14 Fri. ( 6)    Uranus at conjunction with the Sun.
15 SAT. ( 7)    Moon 9.6° N. of Antares (135° from Sun in morning sky).
15 SAT. (10)    Moon at apogee; distance 63.57 Earth-radii.
15 SAT. (10)    The equation of time is 0.
16 SUN.         Easter Day.
16 SUN. (19)    Moon 3.2° N. of Saturn (119° from Sun in morning sky).
18 Tue. (14)    Moon 2.5° N. of Pluto (about 99° from Sun in morning sky).
18 Tue. (22)    Sun enters Aries, at longitude 29.07° on the ecliptic.
19 Wed. ( 9:59) Last Quarter Moon.
19 Wed. (21)    Sun enters the astrological sign Taurus, i.e. its longitude is 30°.
20 Thu. ( 6)    Mercury at inferior conjunction with the Sun, 0.575 AU from the Earth and 1.65° north of the Sun.
20 Thu. (11)    Pluto stationary in right ascension; begins retrograde (westward) motion.
20 Thu. (12)    Comet 103P Hartley at perihelion, 1.0660 AU from the Sun. Magnitude 10.6.
21 Fri. ( 5)    Moon 0.73° N.N.W. of comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 ( 69° from Sun in morning sky).
21 Fri. (20)    Mars 3.5° S.S.E. of the Pleiades (about 28° from Sun in evening sky).
21 Fri. (22:32) Moon at descending node (longitude 331.5°).
22 SAT. (12)    Lyrid meteors.
22 SAT. (20)    Moon 0.21° S.E. of Neptune (49° from Sun in morning sky). Occultation.
23 SUN. (17)    Pi Puppid meteors.
23 SUN. (21)    Moon 4.9° S.S.E. of Venus (36° from Sun in morning sky).
24 Mon. (16)    Moon 0.79° N.N.W. of asteroid 2 Pallas ( 26° from Sun in morning sky). Occultation.
24 Mon. (21)    Moon 0.45° N. of asteroid 8 Flora ( 23° from Sun in morning sky).
25 Tue. (18)    Moon 3.5° S.S.E. of Uranus (only about 11° from the Sun).
25 Tue. (20)    Moon, Mercury, and Uranus within circle of diameter 4.26°; 10° west of the Sun.
25 Tue. (20)    Moon 4.3° S.S.E. of Mercury (only about 9° from the Sun).
26 Wed. ( 5)    Mercury at descending node through the ecliptic plane.
26 Wed. (12:17) Moon New. Beginning of lunation 1167.
26 Wed. (19)    Venus brightest; magnitude -4.5.
27 Thu. (16:14) Moon at perigee; distance 56.34 Earth-radii.
28 Fri. ( 2)    Moon 9.1° S.S.E. of Pleiades (23° from Sun in evening sky).
28 Fri. ( 2)    Comet C/2015 V2 Johnson at opposition. Magnitude 7.5.
28 Fri. ( 9)    Moon 5.7° S. of Mars (27° from Sun in evening sky).
28 Fri. (12)    Mercury 0.09° S.E. of Uranus (13° from Sun in morning sky); magnitudes 3.0 and 5.9. See Mar. 26.
28 Fri. (18)    Moon 0.49° N. of Aldebaran (32° from Sun in evening sky). Occultation.
29 SAT.         Spring Astronomy Day. See also Sep. 30.
30 SUN.         May Eve, a cross-quarter day.
30 SUN. ( 4)    Venus shows greatest illuminated extent.
30 SUN. ( 6)    Moon 5.2° S. of M35 cluster (about 52° from Sun in evening sky).

1 Mon.         May Day or Beltane.
1 Mon. ( 7)    Mars and Saturn at heliocentric opposition. Their heliocentric longitudes are 83.1° and 263.1°.
1 Mon. (13)    Moon 13.3° S. of Castor (about 69° from Sun in evening sky).
1 Mon. (18)    Moon 9.7° S. of Pollux (about 72° from Sun in evening sky).
2 Tue. (14)    Mercury stationary in right ascension; resumes direct (eastward) motion.
2 Tue. (18)    Moon 3.3° S. of Beehive Cluster (85° from Sun in evening sky).
3 Wed. ( 2:47) First Quarter Moon.
4 Thu. (10)    Moon 0.51° S.S.W. of Regulus (106° from Sun in evening sky). Occultation.
4 Thu. (10:44) Moon at ascending node (longitude 150.5°).
5 Fri. (12)    Spring equinox on Mars.
5 Fri. (22)    Mars 6.2° N. of Aldebaran (about 24° from Sun in evening sky); magnitudes 1.6 and 0.9.
6 SAT. ( 2)    Eta Aquarid meteors.
6 SAT. (14)    Mercury at aphelion, 0.4667 AU from the Sun.
7 SUN. (23)    Moon 2.0° N.N.E. of Jupiter (147° from Sun in evening sky).
8 Mon. (16)    Eta Lyrid meteors.
8 Mon. (17)    Moon 6.1° N.N.E. of Spica (about 155° from Sun in evening sky).
9 Tue. ( 7)    Venus at descending node through the ecliptic plane.
10 Wed. (21:43) Full Moon.
10 Wed. (22)    Uranus 0.65° S.S.E. of asteroid 20 Massalia ( 24° from Sun in morning sky); magnitudes 5.9 and 11.7.
12 Fri. (13)    Moon 9.5° N. of Antares (161° from Sun in morning sky).
12 Fri. (20)    Moon at apogee; distance 63.69 Earth-radii.
13 SAT. (22)    The equation of time reaches a shallow maximum of 3.65 minutes.
13 SAT. (23)    Moon 3.1° N. of Saturn (about 146° from Sun in morning sky).
14 SUN. ( 1)    Sun enters Taurus, at longitude 53.45° on the ecliptic.
15 Mon. (21)    Moon 2.4° N. of Pluto (126° from Sun in morning sky).
17 Wed. (23)    Mercury at greatest elongation west, 25.8° from the Sun.
18 Thu. (18)    Moon 0.14° E.S.E. of comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 ( 93° from Sun in morning sky).
19 Fri. ( 0:34) Last Quarter Moon.
19 Fri. ( 1:30) Moon at descending node (longitude 328.7°).
20 SAT. ( 6)    Moon 0.46° S. of Neptune (75° from Sun in morning sky). Occultation.
20 SAT. (20)    Sun enters the astrological sign Gemini, i.e. its longitude is 60°.
22 Mon. (14)    Moon 2.3° S.S.E. of Venus (about 45° from Sun in morning sky).
23 Tue. ( 7)    Moon 3.7° S.S.E. of Uranus (36° from Sun in morning sky).
23 Tue. (11)    Moon 0.25° S. of asteroid 8 Flora (about 33° from Sun in morning sky).
24 Wed. ( 2)    Moon 1.5° S.S.E. of Mercury (25° from Sun in morning sky).
24 Wed. (13)    Moon 0.82° N.N.W. of comet 24P Schaumasse ( 19° from Sun in morning sky).
25 Thu. (13)    Moon 9.1° S.S.E. of Pleiades (only about 6° from the Sun).
25 Thu. (19:45) Moon New. Beginning of lunation 1168.
26 Fri. ( 1:20) Moon at perigee; distance 56.01 Earth-radii.
26 Fri. ( 1:20) Perigee only 5.6 hours after New Moon.
26 Fri. ( 4)    Moon 0.57° N.N.W. of Aldebaran (only about 7° from the Sun). Occultation.
26 Fri. (20)    Mercury at greatest latitude south of the ecliptic plane (-7.0°).
27 SAT.         First day of Ramad#.ân.
27 SAT. ( 3)    Moon 5.3° S. of Mars (about 18° from Sun in evening sky).
27 SAT. (15)    Moon 5.0° S. of M35 cluster (26° from Sun in evening sky).
28 SUN. (22)    Moon 13.1° S. of Castor (44° from Sun in evening sky).
29 Mon. ( 2)    Moon 9.5° S. of Pollux (46° from Sun in evening sky).
30 Tue. ( 1)    Moon 3.0° S. of Beehive Cluster (59° from Sun in evening sky).
31 Wed. (11:58) Moon at ascending node (longitude 147.6°).
31 Wed. (17)    Moon 0.26° S. of Regulus (80° from Sun in evening sky). Occultation.

1 Thu. (12:42) First Quarter Moon.
3 SAT. ( 5)    Venus 1.7° S.S.E. of Uranus (46° from Sun in morning sky); magnitudes -4.3 and 5.9.
3 SAT. (12)    Venus at greatest elongation west, 45.9° from the Sun.
4 SUN.         Whit Sunday.
4 SUN. ( 1)    Moon 2.2° N.N.E. of Jupiter (about 119° from Sun in evening sky).
4 SUN. ( 6)    Venus at theoretical dichotomy, half illuminated as seen from Earth.
4 SUN. (16)    Neptune at west quadrature.
4 SUN. (22)    Moon 6.3° N.N.E. of Spica (about 129° from Sun in evening sky).
6 Tue. ( 7)    Mars at greatest declination north (24.3°).
7 Wed. ( 8)    Mercury 5.5° S.S.E. of the Pleiades (about 16° from Sun in morning sky).
7 Wed. (10)    Daytime Arietid meteors.
8 Thu. ( 1)    Mars 0.01° N.N.W. of M35 cluster (15° from Sun in evening sky); magnitudes 1.7 and 5.3.
8 Thu. (20)    Moon 9.5° N. of Antares (171° from Sun in the midnight sky).
8 Thu. (22)    Moon at apogee; distance 63.71 Earth-radii.
9 Fri. (13:10) Full Moon.
10 SAT. ( 2)    Moon 3.1° N. of Saturn (about 173° from Sun in the midnight sky).
10 SAT. ( 4)    Jupiter stationary in right ascension; resumes direct (eastward) motion.
11 SUN. (21)    Mercury 4.9° N.N.W. of Aldebaran (12° from Sun in morning sky); magnitudes -1.2 and 0.9.
12 Mon. ( 2)    Moon 2.3° N. of Pluto (about 152° from Sun in morning sky).
12 Mon. ( 8)    Comet C/2015 V2 Johnson at perihelion, 1.6369 AU from the Sun. Magnitude 6.7.
12 Mon. (21)    Venus at aphelion, 0.7282 AU from the Sun.
12 Mon. (22)    The equation of time is 0.
14 Wed. ( 4:31) Earliest sunrise (4:31 AM) at latitude 40° north.
14 Wed. (21)    Mercury at ascending node through the ecliptic plane.
15 Thu. ( 2)    Moon 0.78° S.S.E. of comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (119° from Sun in morning sky).
15 Thu. ( 2:40) Moon at descending node (longitude 326.0°).
15 Thu. (10)    Saturn at opposition.
16 Fri. (13)    Moon 0.70° S.S.E. of Neptune (101° from Sun in morning sky). Occultation.
16 Fri. (20)    Neptune stationary in right ascension; begins retrograde (westward) motion.
17 SAT. (11:34) Last Quarter Moon.
19 Mon. (13)    Mercury at perihelion, 0.3075 AU from the Sun.
19 Mon. (18)    Moon 3.9° S.S.E. of Uranus (61° from Sun in morning sky).
20 Tue. (22)    Moon 2.3° S.S.E. of Venus (45° from Sun in morning sky).
21 Wed. ( 1)    Moon 0.57° S.S.E. of asteroid 8 Flora ( 44° from Sun in morning sky).
21 Wed. ( 4:24) June or summer solstice.
21 Wed. ( 4:24) Sun enters (at the solstice) the astrological sign Cancer, i.e. its longitude is 90°.
21 Wed. (14)    Mercury at superior conjunction with the Sun, 1.324 AU from the Earth.
21 Wed. (15)    Sun enters Gemini, at longitude 90.41° on the ecliptic.
21 Wed. (22)    Moon 0.23° S.S.E. of comet 24P Schaumasse ( 31° from Sun in morning sky).
21 Wed. (23)    Moon 9.1° S.S.E. of Pleiades (31° from Sun in morning sky).
22 Thu. (10)    Mercury 0.30° N. of M35 cluster (only about 1° from the Sun).
22 Thu. (15)    Moon 0.54° N. of Aldebaran (22° from Sun in morning sky). Occultation.
23 Fri.         St. John’s Eve, when midsummer used to be celebrated in England.
23 Fri. (10:52) Moon at perigee; distance 56.12 Earth-radii.
23 Fri. (10:52) Perigee only 15.7 hours before New Moon.
23 Tue. (13)    June Boötid meteors. Or peak could be on June 27.
23 Fri. (14)    Venus 1.8° N.N.W. of asteroid 8 Flora ( 45° from Sun in morning sky); magnitudes -4.2 and 11.0.
24 SAT.         St. John’s Day, a quarter-day in England.
24 SAT. ( 2)    Moon 5.0° S. of M35 cluster (only about 2° from the Sun).
24 SAT. ( 2:32) Moon New. Beginning of lunation 1169.
24 SAT. ( 8)    Mercury at greatest declination north (24.7°).
24 SAT. ( 9)    Moon 5.3° S. of Mercury (only about 4° from the Sun).
24 SAT. (20)    Moon 4.4° S. of Mars (only about 10° from the Sun).
25 SUN. ( 8)    Moon 13.0° S. of Castor (about 18° from Sun in evening sky).
25 SUN. (13)    Moon 9.4° S. of Pollux (20° from Sun in evening sky).
26 Mon. (11)    Moon 2.8° S. of Beehive Cluster (33° from Sun in evening sky).
27 Tue. (16:27) Moon at ascending node (longitude 145.2°).
27 Tue. (19:33) Latest sunset (7:33 PM) at latitude 40° north.
28 Wed. ( 1)    Moon 0.04° S.W. of Regulus (54° from Sun in evening sky). Occultation.
28 Wed. (19)    Mercury 0.77° N. of Mars (only about 9° from the Sun).
29 Thu. (18)    Moon 1.6° S.S.W. of comet 45P Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova ( 75° from Sun in evening sky).
29 Thu. (18)    Mercury at greatest latitude north of the ecliptic plane (7.0°).

1 SAT. ( 0:51) First Quarter Moon.
1 SAT. ( 3)    Mercury 8.2° S. of Castor (11° and 15° from Sun in evening sky); magnitudes -1.1 and 1.5.
1 SAT. ( 9)    Moon 2.6° N.N.E. of Jupiter (94° from Sun in evening sky).
2 SUN. ( 5)    Moon 6.5° N.N.E. of Spica (about 103° from Sun in evening sky).
2 SUN. ( 6)    Asteroid 3 Juno at opposition. Magnitude 9.9.
2 SUN. (12)    Midpoint of the year is at the middle of this day.
2 SUN. (14)    Mercury 4.8° S. of Pollux (about 13° from Sun in evening sky); magnitudes -1.0 and 1.2.
3 Mon. (20)    Earth at aphelion, 1.01668 AU (152,093,780 km) from Sun.
5 Wed. ( 4)    Venus at greatest latitude south of the ecliptic plane (-3.4°).
5 Wed. ( 8)    Venus 6.6° S.S.E. of the Pleiades (43° from Sun in morning sky).
5 Wed. (21)    Mars 9.1° S. of Castor (only about 9° from the Sun).
6 Thu. ( 2)    Moon 9.5° N. of Antares (146° from Sun in evening sky).
6 Thu. ( 3)    Jupiter at east quadrature.
6 Thu. ( 4)    Moon at apogee; distance 63.65 Earth-radii.
7 Fri. ( 4)    Moon 3.2° N. of Saturn (about 157° from Sun in evening sky).
9 SUN. ( 4:07) Full Moon.
9 SUN. ( 6)    Moon 2.3° N. of Pluto (about 178° from Sun in the midnight sky).
9 SUN. (22)    Pluto at opposition.
10 Mon. ( 7)    Mercury 0.31° N.N.E. of center of Beehive Cluster (19° from Sun in evening sky).
10 Mon. (10)    Mars 5.6° S. of Pollux (only about 6° from the Sun).
11 Tue. (22)    Jupiter and Uranus at heliocentric opposition. Their heliocentric longitudes are 205.4° and 25.4°.
12 Wed. ( 5)    Moon 1.2° S.S.E. of comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (146° from Sun in morning sky).
12 Wed. ( 5:18) Moon at descending node (longitude 324.5°).
13 Thu. (18)    Moon 0.83° S.S.E. of Neptune (127° from Sun in morning sky). Occultation.
13 Thu. (23)    Venus 3.1° N. of Aldebaran (42° from Sun in morning sky); magnitudes -4.1 and 0.9.
16 SUN. ( 7)    Asteroid1 Ceres 0.36° S. of M35 cluster ( 22° from Sun in morning sky); magnitudes 8.9 and 5.3.
16 SUN. (19:27) Last Quarter Moon.
17 Mon. ( 2)    Moon 4.1° S.S.E. of Uranus (86° from Sun in morning sky).
18 Tue. ( 9)    Venus 1.6° N. of comet 24P Schaumasse ( 41° from Sun in morning sky); magnitudes -4.1 and 18.4.
19 Wed. ( 8)    Moon 9.2° S.S.E. of Pleiades (57° from Sun in morning sky).
19 Wed. (12)    Moon 0.48° S. of asteroid 8 Flora ( 55° from Sun in morning sky).
19 Wed. (24)    Moon 0.43° N. of Aldebaran (48° from Sun in morning sky). Occultation.
20 Thu. (10)    Asteroid 8 Flora at perihelion, 1.8557 AU from the Sun.
20 Thu. (10)    Moon 1.2° S. of comet 24P Schaumasse ( 42° from Sun in morning sky).
20 Thu. (12)    Moon 2.7° S. of Venus (41° from Sun in morning sky).
20 Thu. (19)    Sun enters Cancer, at longitude 118.24° on the ecliptic.
21 Fri. ( 0)    Uranus at west quadrature.
21 Fri. (12)    Moon 5.0° S. of M35 cluster (27° from Sun in morning sky).
21 Fri. (17:13) Moon at perigee; distance 56.64 Earth-radii.
22 SAT. (15)    Sun enters the astrological sign Leo, i.e. its longitude is 120°.
22 SAT. (19)    Moon 13.0° S. of Castor (only about 11° from the Sun).
22 SAT. (23)    Moon 9.3° S. of Pollux (only about 8° from the Sun).
23 SUN. ( 4)    Mercury at descending node through the ecliptic plane.
23 SUN. ( 9:46) Moon New. Beginning of lunation 1170.
23 SUN. (12)    Moon 3.1° S. of Mars (only about 2° from the Sun).
23 SUN. (21)    Moon 2.8° S. of Beehive Cluster (only about 7° from the Sun).
25 Tue. ( 0:47) Moon at ascending node (longitude 144.3°).
25 Tue. ( 9)    Moon 0.84° N. of Mercury (27° from Sun in evening sky). Occultation.
25 Tue. (11)    Moon 0.10° N.W. of Regulus (27° from Sun in evening sky). Occultation.
25 Tue. (22)    Mercury 0.95° S.S.W. of Regulus (27° from Sun in evening sky); magnitudes 0.3 and 1.4.
26 Wed. ( 0)    The equation of time reaches a shallow minimum of -6.54 minutes.
27 Thu. ( 1)    Mars at conjunction with the Sun.
27 Thu. (18)    Moon 0.32° S. of comet 45P Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (about 56° from Sun in evening sky).
28 Fri. ( 3)    Piscis Austrinid meteors.
28 Fri. (22)    Moon 3.0° N.N.E. of Jupiter (about 70° from Sun in evening sky).
29 SAT. (12)    Moon 6.6° N.N.E. of Spica (about 77° from Sun in evening sky).
30 SUN. ( 5)    Alpha Capricornid meteors.
30 SUN. ( 5)    Mercury at greatest elongation east, 27.2° from the Sun.
30 SUN. ( 5)    Southern Delta Aquarid meteors.
30 SUN. (15:23) First Quarter Moon.

1 Tue.         Lammas, a cross-quarter day.
1 Tue. ( 6)    Mars 0.18° S.S.W. of center of Beehive Cluster (only about 2° from the Sun).
2 Wed. ( 9)    Moon 9.6° N. of Antares (120° from Sun in evening sky).
2 Wed. (13)    Mercury at aphelion, 0.4667 AU from the Sun.
2 Wed. (15)    Venus 2.4° S. of M35 cluster (38° from Sun in morning sky); magnitudes -4.0 and 5.3.
2 Wed. (18)    Moon at apogee; distance 63.51 Earth-radii.
3 Thu. ( 7)    Uranus stationary in right ascension; begins retrograde (westward) motion.
3 Thu. ( 8)    Moon 3.4° N. of Saturn (130° from Sun in evening sky).
5 SAT. (12)    Moon 2.4° N. of Pluto (154° from Sun in evening sky).
5 SAT. (20)    Venus at greatest declination north in the year (22.0°).
7 Mon. (18:12) Full Moon.  Partial eclipse of the Moon.
8 Tue. ( 6)    Moon 1.4° S.S.E. of comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (174° from Sun in the midnight sky).
8 Tue. (10:56) Moon at descending node (longitude 324.2°).
9 Wed. (23)    Moon 0.82° S.S.E. of Neptune (154° from Sun in morning sky). Occultation.
10 Thu. (15)    Sun enters Leo, at longitude 138.16° on the ecliptic.
12 SAT. ( 6)    Mercury stationary in right ascension; begins retrograde (westward) motion.
12 SAT. (19)    Perseid meteors.
13 SUN. ( 8)    Moon 4.2° S.S.E. of Uranus (112° from Sun in morning sky).
13 SUN. (15)    Comet 29P Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 at opposition. Magnitude 15.1.
15 Tue. ( 1:16) Last Quarter Moon.
15 Tue. (15)    Moon 9.3° S.S.E. of Pleiades (83° from Sun in morning sky).
16 Wed. ( 7)    Moon 0.39° N.N.W. of Aldebaran (74° from Sun in morning sky). Occultation.
16 Wed. (20)    Moon 0.11° E. of asteroid 8 Flora ( 66° from Sun in morning sky).
16 Wed. (21)    Middle of eclipse season: Sun is at same longitude as Moon’s ascending node, 144.2°.
17 Thu. ( 0)    Kappa Cygnid meteors.
17 Thu. (20)    Moon 5.1° S. of M35 cluster (53° from Sun in morning sky).
18 Fri. (13:16) Moon at perigee; distance 57.40 Earth-radii.
18 Fri. (14)    Venus 10.7° S. of Castor (about 36° from Sun in morning sky); magnitudes -4.0 and 1.5.
19 SAT. ( 4)    Moon 13.0° S. of Castor (about 36° from Sun in morning sky).
19 SAT. ( 4)    Moon 2.2° S. of Venus (35° from Sun in morning sky).
19 SAT. ( 8)    Moon 9.4° S. of Pollux (about 33° from Sun in morning sky).
20 SUN. ( 7)    Moon 2.8° S. of Beehive Cluster (20° from Sun in morning sky).
20 SUN. (23)    Venus 7.2° S. of Pollux (about 34° from Sun in morning sky); magnitudes -4.0 and 1.2.
21 Mon. ( 4)    Moon 1.5° S.S.W. of Mars (only about 8° from the Sun).
21 Mon. (10:34) Moon at ascending node (longitude 144.2°).
21 Mon. (18:30) Moon New. Beginning of lunation 1171.  Total eclipse of the Sun.
21 Mon. (21)    Moon 0.14° E.N.E. of Regulus (only about 1° from the Sun).
22 Tue. ( 9)    Moon 5.9° N.N.E. of Mercury (only about 8° from the Sun).
22 Tue. (19)    Mercury at greatest latitude south of the ecliptic plane (-7.0°).
22 Tue. (22)    Sun enters the astrological sign Virgo, i.e. its longitude is 150°.
24 Thu. (19)    Moon 0.62° N.N.E. of comet 45P Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova ( 38° from Sun in evening sky).
25 Fri. (13)    Saturn stationary in right ascension; resumes direct (eastward) motion.
25 Fri. (15)    Moon 3.3° N.N.E. of Jupiter (48° from Sun in evening sky).
25 Fri. (21)    Moon 6.6° N.N.E. of Spica (51° from Sun in evening sky).
26 SAT. (10)    Saturn closest (12.6°) E.N.E. of Antares (108° and 97° from Sun in evening sky); magnitudes 0.5 and 1.0.
26 SAT. (21)    Mercury at inferior conjunction with the Sun, 0.625 AU from the Earth and 4.22° south of the Sun.
29 Tue. ( 8:13) First Quarter Moon.
29 Tue. (16)    Moon 9.6° N. of Antares (about 93° from Sun in evening sky).
30 Wed. (11)    Venus at ascending node through the ecliptic plane.
30 Wed. (12)    Moon at apogee; distance 63.39 Earth-radii.
30 Wed. (15)    Moon 3.5° N. of Saturn (104° from Sun in evening sky).
30 Wed. (19)    Mars at greatest latitude north of the ecliptic plane (1.8°).

1 Fri. ( 2)    Aurigid meteors.
1 Fri. ( 2)    Moon 0.28° S.S.W. of comet 41P Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (120° from Sun in evening sky).
1 Fri. ( 8)    The equation of time is 0.
1 Fri. (13)    Venus 1.2° S.S.W. of Beehive Cluster (32° from Sun in morning sky).
1 Fri. (19)    Moon 2.5° N. of Pluto (about 127° from Sun in evening sky).
4 Mon. ( 8)    Moon 1.5° S.S.E. of comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (about 156° from Sun in evening sky).
4 Mon. (16)    Mercury stationary in right ascension; resumes direct (eastward) motion.
4 Mon. (18:41) Moon at descending node (longitude 324.2°).
4 Mon. (24)    Mercury 3.2° S.W. of Mars (about 13° from Sun in morning sky); magnitudes 1.5 and 1.8.
5 Tue. ( 0)    Mercury, Mars, and Regulus within circle of diameter 3.19°; 13° west of the Sun.
5 Tue. ( 5)    Neptune at opposition.
5 Tue. (12)    Mars 0.70° N.N.E. of Regulus (13° from Sun in morning sky); magnitudes 1.8 and 1.4.
6 Wed. ( 5)    Moon 0.74° S.S.E. of Neptune (about 178° from Sun in the midnight sky). Occultation.
6 Wed. ( 7:04) Full Moon.
8 Fri.         Sun’s north pole most inclined (7.25°) toward Earth.
9 SAT. (11)    September Epsilon Perseid meteors.
9 SAT. (13)    Moon 4.1° S.S.E. of Uranus (139° from Sun in morning sky).
10 SUN. (12)    Mercury 0.60° S. of Regulus (18° from Sun in morning sky); magnitudes 0.0 and 1.4.
10 SUN. (20)    Mercury at ascending node through the ecliptic plane.
11 Mon. (20)    Moon 9.3° S.S.E. of Pleiades (109° from Sun in morning sky).
12 Tue. ( 1)    Jupiter 3.1° N.N.E. of Spica (35° from Sun in evening sky); magnitudes -1.7 and 1.0.
12 Tue. (10)    Mercury at greatest elongation west, 17.9° from the Sun.
12 Tue. (12)    Moon 0.44° N. of Aldebaran (100° from Sun in morning sky). Occultation.
13 Wed. ( 6:26) Last Quarter Moon.
13 Wed. (16:11) Moon at perigee; distance 57.99 Earth-radii.
14 Thu. ( 1)    Moon 0.73° N. of asteroid 8 Flora ( 80° from Sun in morning sky).
14 Thu. ( 2)    Moon 5.0° S. of M35 cluster (79° from Sun in morning sky).
14 Thu. ( 3)    Saturn at east quadrature.
14 Thu. (12)    Mercury 10.9° E.S.E. of Venus (18° and 29° from Sun in morning sky); magnitudes -0.6 and -3.9.
15 Fri. (11)    Moon 13.0° S. of Castor (about 62° from Sun in morning sky).
15 Fri. (12)    Mercury at perihelion, 0.3075 AU from the Sun.
15 Fri. (15)    Moon 9.3° S. of Pollux (about 59° from Sun in morning sky).
16 SAT. (15)    Moon 2.8° S. of Beehive Cluster (46° from Sun in morning sky).
16 SAT. (19)    Mercury 0.06° N.N.E. of Mars (17° from Sun in morning sky); magnitudes -0.8 and 1.8.
16 SAT. (20)    Sun enters Virgo, at longitude 174.14° on the ecliptic.
17 SUN. (18:28) Moon at ascending node (longitude 144.0°).
18 Mon. ( 1)    Moon 0.53° S.S.W. of Venus (28° from Sun in morning sky). Occultation.
18 Mon. ( 5)    Moon 0.14° N.W. of Regulus (about 25° from Sun in morning sky). Occultation.
18 Mon. ( 5)    Moon, Venus, and Regulus within circle of diameter 2.36°; 26° west of the Sun.
18 Mon. (20)    Moon 0.17° N.E. of Mars (18° from Sun in morning sky). Occultation.
18 Mon. (21)    Moon, Mercury, and Mars within circle of diameter 1.83°; 17° west of the Sun.
18 Mon. (23)    Moon 0.05° S.E. of Mercury (16° from Sun in morning sky). Occultation.
20 Wed. ( 2)    Venus 0.46° N.N.E. of Regulus (27° from Sun in morning sky); magnitudes -3.9 and 1.4.
20 Wed. ( 5:30) Moon New. Beginning of lunation 1172.
21 Thu.         Rosh Hashanah, first day of the Jewish year 5778 A.M.
21 Thu. (20)    Moon 1.2° N.N.E. of comet 45P Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova ( 20° from Sun in evening sky).
22 Fri.         Muslim New Year, first day (1 Muharram) of the year 1439 A.H.
22 Fri. ( 6)    Moon 6.5° N.N.E. of Spica (25° from Sun in evening sky).
22 Fri. (10)    Moon 3.5° N.N.E. of Jupiter (27° from Sun in evening sky).
22 Fri. (20:02) September of fall or autumn equinox.
22 Fri. (20:02) Sun enters (at the equinox) the astrological sign Libra, i.e. its longitude is 180°.
25 Mon. (18)    Mercury at greatest latitude north of the ecliptic plane (7.0°).
26 Tue. ( 1)    Moon 9.5° N. of Antares (67° from Sun in evening sky).
27 Wed. ( 1)    Moon 3.5° N. of Saturn (78° from Sun in evening sky).
27 Wed. ( 7)    Moon at apogee; distance 63.40 Earth-radii.
27 Wed. (11)    Daytime Sextantid meteors.
27 Wed. (21)    Pluto stationary in right ascension; resumes direct (eastward) motion.
28 Thu. ( 2:54) First Quarter Moon.
29 Fri. ( 2)    Moon 1.5° N. of comet 41P Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (about 100° from Sun in evening sky).
29 Fri. ( 3)    Moon 2.5° N. of Pluto (about 100° from Sun in evening sky).
30 SAT.         Fall Astronomy Day. See also Apr. 29.
30 SAT. ( 9)    Comet 41P Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak 0.95° N. of Pluto (about 99° from Sun in evening sky).

1 SUN. (13)    Moon 1.6° S.S.E. of comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (128° from Sun in evening sky).
2 Mon. ( 2:06) Moon at descending node (longitude 323.4°).
3 Tue. ( 5)    Venus at perihelion, 0.7184 AU from the Sun.
3 Tue. (13)    Moon 0.71° S.S.E. of Neptune (152° from Sun in evening sky). Occultation.
5 Thu. (17)    Venus 0.21° N.N.E. of Mars (23° from Sun in morning sky); magnitudes -3.9 and 1.8.
5 Thu. (18:41) Full Moon.
6 Fri. (19)    Moon 4.0° S.S.E. of Uranus (about 166° from Sun in morning sky).
7 SAT. (22)    Mars at aphelion, 1.6661 AU from the Sun.
8 SUN. (18)    Draconid meteors.
8 SUN. (21)    Mercury at superior conjunction with the Sun, 1.408 AU from the Earth.
9 Mon. ( 2)    Moon 9.1° S.S.E. of Pleiades (about 135° from Sun in morning sky).
9 Mon. ( 5:53) Moon at perigee; distance 57.52 Earth-radii.
9 Mon. (18)    Moon 0.60° N. of Aldebaran (126° from Sun in morning sky). Occultation.
10 Tue. ( 9)    Southern Taurid meteors.
11 Wed. ( 8)    Moon 4.8° S. of M35 cluster (106° from Sun in morning sky).
11 Wed. ( 9)    Delta Aurigid meteors.
12 Thu. ( 0)    Moon 1.5° N. of asteroid 8 Flora (about 96° from Sun in morning sky).
12 Thu. (12:26) Last Quarter Moon.
12 Thu. (16)    Moon 12.8° S. of Castor (about 88° from Sun in morning sky).
12 Thu. (21)    Moon 9.2° S. of Pollux (86° from Sun in morning sky).
13 Fri. (20)    Mercury 2.7° N.N.E. of Spica (only about 4° from the Sun).
13 Fri. (20)    Moon 2.6° S. of Beehive Cluster (73° from Sun in morning sky).
14 SAT. (22:11) Moon at ascending node (longitude 142.6°).
15 SUN. (11)    Moon 0.20° N. of Regulus (52° from Sun in morning sky). Occultation.
17 Tue. (11)    Moon 1.7° N.N.E. of Mars (28° from Sun in morning sky).
18 Wed. ( 2)    Moon 1.9° N.N.E. of Venus (about 20° from Sun in morning sky).
18 Wed. ( 8)    Mercury 0.93° S.S.W. of Jupiter (only about 7° from the Sun). See Sep. 12.
18 Wed. (11)    Epsilon Geminid meteors.
19 Thu. ( 3)    Mercury at descending node through the ecliptic plane.
19 Thu. (14)    Moon 6.5° N.N.E. of Spica (only about 4° from the Sun).
19 Thu. (17)    Uranus at opposition.
19 Thu. (19:12) Moon New. Beginning of lunation 1173.
20 Fri. ( 5)    Moon 3.7° N.N.E. of Jupiter (only about 6° from the Sun).
20 Fri. (11)    Moon 5.0° N.N.E. of Mercury (only about 8° from the Sun).
21 SAT. (11)    Orionid meteors.
22 SUN.         Creation of the world in 4004 BC according to the Ussher chronology.
23 Mon. ( 5)    Sun enters the astrological sign Scorpius, i.e. its longitude is 210°.
23 Mon. ( 8)    Moon 9.3° N. of Antares (40° from Sun in evening sky).
23 Mon. (10)    Mars and Neptune at heliocentric opposition. Their heliocentric longitudes are 163.1° and 343.1°.
24 Tue. (11)    Leo Minorid meteors.
24 Tue. (12)    Moon 3.2° N. of Saturn (53° from Sun in evening sky).
24 Tue. (23)    Venus at greatest latitude north of the ecliptic plane (3.4°).
25 Wed. ( 2)    Moon at apogee; distance 63.52 Earth-radii.
26 Thu. (11)    Moon 2.3° N. of Pluto (74° from Sun in evening sky).
26 Thu. (18)    Jupiter at conjunction with the Sun.
26 Thu. (23)    Mars crosses equator into south hemisphere of sky.
27 Fri. ( 5)    Moon 1.9° N. of comet 41P Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak ( 82° from Sun in evening sky).
27 Fri. (22:22) First Quarter Moon.
27 Fri. (23)    Comet 96P Machholz at perihelion, 0.1239 AU from the Sun. Magnitude 2.0.
28 SAT. (16)    Asteroid 2 Pallas at opposition. Magnitude 8.3.
29 SUN.         Last Sunday in Oct.: in Europe, change clocks back 1 hour, to standard time.
29 SUN. ( 6:43) Moon at descending node (longitude 321.1°).
29 SUN. (12)    Mercury at aphelion, 0.4667 AU from the Sun.
29 SUN. (14)    Asteroid 7 Iris at opposition. Magnitude 6.9.
30 Mon. (21)    Moon 0.84° S.S.E. of Neptune (124° from Sun in evening sky). Occultation.
31 Tue.         Hallowe’en (eve of All Saints’ Day, Nov. 1, and All Souls’ Day, Nov. 2), a cross-quarter day.
31 Tue. ( 0)    Sun enters Libra, at longitude 217.78° on the ecliptic.

2 Thu. (18)    Venus 3.5° N.N.E. of Spica (about 16° from Sun in morning sky); magnitudes -3.9 and 1.0.
3 Fri. ( 3)    The equation of time is at maximum for the year, 16.48 minutes.
3 Fri. ( 3)    Moon 4.0° S.S.E. of Uranus (about 164° from Sun in evening sky).
4 SAT. ( 5:23) Full Moon.
5 SUN.         First Sunday in November: in North America, change clocks back 1 hour, to Standard Time.
5 SUN. (11)    Moon 9.0° S.S.E. of Pleiades (about 162° from Sun in morning sky).
6 Mon. ( 0:21) Moon at perigee; distance 56.67 Earth-radii.
6 Mon. ( 2)    Moon 0.75° N.N.W. of Aldebaran (about 153° from Sun in morning sky). Occultation.
7 Tue. (15)    Moon 4.6° S. of M35 cluster (133° from Sun in morning sky).
8 Wed. (17)    Moon 1.8° N. of asteroid 8 Flora (118° from Sun in morning sky).
8 Wed. (22)    Moon 12.5° S. of Castor (about 115° from Sun in morning sky).
9 Thu. ( 3)    Moon 8.9° S. of Pollux (113° from Sun in morning sky).
10 Fri. ( 2)    Moon 2.4° S. of Beehive Cluster (100° from Sun in morning sky).
10 Fri. (20:37) Last Quarter Moon.
10 Fri. (22:40) Moon at ascending node (longitude 139.8°).
11 SAT.         Martinmas, a cross-quarter day in Scotland.
11 SAT. (17)    Moon 0.44° N.N.E. of Regulus (79° from Sun in morning sky). Occultation.
12 SUN. (11)    Northern Taurid meteors.
12 SUN. (22)    Mercury 2.2° N. of Antares (20° from Sun in evening sky); magnitudes -0.3 and 1.0.
13 Mon. ( 8)    Venus 0.26° N.N.E. of Jupiter (14° from Sun in morning sky); magnitudes -3.9 and -1.7.
15 Wed. ( 3)    Moon 3.0° N.N.E. of Mars (about 38° from Sun in morning sky).
15 Wed. (20)    Moon 6.6° N.N.E. of Spica (30° from Sun in morning sky).
16 Thu. ( 8)    Moon 0.41° S.S.W. of asteroid 4 Vesta ( 25° from Sun in morning sky). Occultation.
16 Thu. (16)    Moon 1.9° N.N.E. of comet 45P Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova ( 21° from Sun in morning sky).
16 Thu. (19)    Comet 24P Schaumasse at perihelion, 1.2063 AU from the Sun. Magnitude 10.2.
16 Thu. (24)    Moon 3.9° N.N.E. of Jupiter (17° from Sun in morning sky).
17 Fri. ( 4)    Moon, Venus, and Jupiter within circle of diameter 4.86°; 15° west of the Sun.
17 Fri. ( 8)    Moon 3.8° N.N.E. of Venus (only about 13° from the Sun).
17 Fri. (16)    Leonid meteors.
18 SAT. ( 9)    Asteroid 7 Iris at perihelion, 1.8334 AU from the Sun.
18 SAT. (11:42) Moon New. Beginning of lunation 1174.
18 SAT. (18)    Mercury at greatest latitude south of the ecliptic plane (-7.0°).
19 SUN. (16)    Moon 9.2° N. of Antares (only about 13° from the Sun).
20 Mon. ( 2)    Summer solstice on Mars.
20 Mon. (11)    Moon 6.8° N. of Mercury (22° from Sun in evening sky).
21 Tue. ( 1)    Moon 3.0° N. of Saturn (28° from Sun in evening sky).
21 Tue. (17)    Alpha Monocerotid meteors.
21 Tue. (19)    Moon at apogee; distance 63.68 Earth-radii.
22 Wed. ( 3)    Sun enters the astrological sign Sagittarius, i.e. its longitude is 240°.
22 Wed. (17)    Neptune stationary in right ascension; resumes direct (eastward) motion.
22 Wed. (19)    Moon 2.0° N. of Pluto (47° from Sun in evening sky).
23 Thu. ( 6)    Sun enters Scorpius, at longitude 241.12° on the ecliptic.
24 Fri. ( 0)    Mercury at greatest elongation east, 22.0° from the Sun.
24 Fri. ( 1)    Mercury at greatest declination south (-25.8°).
24 Fri. ( 8)    Moon 1.7° N. of comet 41P Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (about 63° from Sun in evening sky).
25 SAT. ( 8:25) Moon at descending node (longitude 318.0°).
26 SUN. (17:02) First Quarter Moon.
27 Mon. ( 6)    Moon 1.1° S.S.E. of Neptune (96° from Sun in evening sky). Occultation.
28 Tue. ( 7)    November Orionid meteors.
29 Wed. (23)    Mars 3.1° N.N.E. of Spica (44° from Sun in morning sky); magnitudes 1.7 and 1.0.
30 Thu. ( 1)    Sun enters Ophiuchus, at longitude 248.02° on the ecliptic.
30 Thu. (12)    Moon 4.1° S.S.E. of Uranus (about 136° from Sun in evening sky).

2 SAT. ( 6)    Phoenicid meteors.
2 SAT. (22)    Moon 9.0° S.S.E. of Pleiades (about 168° from Sun in evening sky).
3 SUN. ( 8)    Mercury stationary in right ascension; begins retrograde (westward) motion.
3 SUN. (12)    Neptune at east quadrature.
3 SUN. (13)    Moon 0.80° N. of Aldebaran (about 174° from Sun in the midnight sky). Occultation.
3 SUN. (15:47) Full Moon.
4 Mon. ( 8:59) Perigee only 17.2 hours after Full Moon.
4 Mon. ( 8:59) Moon at perigee; distance 56.05 Earth-radii.
5 Tue. ( 1)    Moon 4.5° S. of M35 cluster (about 160° from Sun in morning sky).
5 Tue. (12)    Moon at northernmost declination in year, 20.01°.
5 Tue. (12)     Moon at northernmost declination in year, 20.01°.
6 Wed. ( 2)    Moon 1.1° N. of asteroid 8 Flora (146° from Sun in morning sky).
6 Wed. ( 7)    Moon 12.3° S. of Castor (143° from Sun in morning sky).
6 Wed. (11)    Moon 8.7° S. of Pollux (about 140° from Sun in morning sky).
7 Thu. ( 2)    Mercury 1.2° S.S.W. of Saturn (13° from Sun in evening sky); magnitudes 1.6 and 0.5. See Jan. 9.
7 Thu. ( 4)    Puppid-Velid meteors.
7 Thu. ( 9)    Moon 2.1° S. of Beehive Cluster (128° from Sun in morning sky).
7 Thu. (16:35) Earliest sunset (4:35 PM) at latitude 40° north.
7 Thu. (20)    Mercury at ascending node through the ecliptic plane.
8 Fri. ( 0:39) Moon at ascending node (longitude 136.9°).
8 Fri. (23)    Moon 0.70° N.N.E. of Regulus (107° from Sun in morning sky). Occultation.
9 SAT. ( 3)    Monocerotid meteors.
9 SAT. (11)    Venus 5.0° N. of Antares (only about 8° from the Sun).
10 SUN. ( 7:52) Last Quarter Moon.
12 Tue. ( 2)    Sigma Hydrid meteors.
12 Tue. (12)    Mercury at perihelion, 0.3075 AU from the Sun.
13 Wed.         St. Lucy’s Day, formerly regarded as the middle of winter.
13 Wed. ( 2)    Mercury at inferior conjunction with the Sun, 0.678 AU from the Earth and 1.72° north of the Sun.
13 Wed. ( 2)    Moon 6.8° N.N.E. of Spica (about 57° from Sun in morning sky).
13 Wed. (19)    Moon 3.9° N.N.E. of Mars (49° from Sun in morning sky).
14 Thu. ( 6)    Geminid meteors.
14 Thu. (10)    Moon 2.0° N.N.E. of comet 45P Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova ( 42° from Sun in morning sky).
14 Thu. (17)    Moon 4.1° N.N.E. of Jupiter (39° from Sun in morning sky).
14 Thu. (18)    Moon 0.22° S. of asteroid 4 Vesta ( 39° from Sun in morning sky). Occultation.
15 Fri. (12)    Mercury 2.2° N. of Venus (only about 6° from the Sun).
16 SAT. ( 1)    Coma Berenicid meteors.
16 SAT. (22)    Moon 9.2° N. of Antares (about 15° from Sun in morning sky).
17 SUN. ( 8)    Asteroid 20 Massalia at opposition. Magnitude 8.4.
17 SUN. ( 9)    Moon 1.7° N. of Mercury (only about 10° from the Sun).
17 SUN. (19)    Moon 4.1° N. of Venus (only about 6° from the Sun).
18 Mon. ( 6:30) Moon New. Beginning of lunation 1175.
18 Mon. ( 8)    Sun enters Sagittarius, at longitude 266.59° on the ecliptic.
18 Mon. (14)    Moon 2.8° N. of Saturn (only about 4° from the Sun).
19 Tue. ( 1)    Moon at apogee; distance 63.75 Earth-radii.
19 Tue. (10)     Moon at southernmost declination in year, -20.06°.
19 Tue. (23)    December Leo Minorid meteors.
19 Tue. (24)    Venus at descending node through the ecliptic plane.
20 Wed. ( 3)    Moon 1.9° N. of Pluto (20° from Sun in evening sky).
20 Wed. (15)    Moon shows minimum libration for the year, 3.35°.
21 Thu. (16:28) December or winter solstice.
21 Thu. (16:28) Sun enters (at the solstice) the astrological sign Capricornus, i.e. its longitude is 270°.
21 Thu. (21)    Saturn at conjunction with the Sun.
22 Fri. ( 5)    Moon 2.0° N.N.W. of comet 2P Encke (about 42° from Sun in evening sky).
22 Fri. (10)    Moon 1.1° N.N.W. of comet 41P Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak ( 45° from Sun in evening sky).
22 Fri. (10:08) Moon at descending node (longitude 315.7°).
22 Fri. (15)    Ursid meteors.
22 Fri. (17)    Mercury at greatest latitude north of the ecliptic plane (7.0°).
23 SAT. ( 3)    Mercury stationary in right ascension; resumes direct (eastward) motion.
24 SUN. ( 1)    Mercury 8.1° N.N.E. of Antares (20° and 23° from Sun in morning sky); magnitudes 0.2 and 1.0.
24 SUN. (14)    Moon 1.4° S.S.E. of Neptune (69° from Sun in evening sky).
25 Mon.         Christmas.
25 Mon. ( 4)    The equation of time is 0.
25 Mon. (17)    Venus 1.1° S. of Saturn (only about 3° from the Sun).
26 Tue. ( 9:19) First Quarter Moon.
27 Wed. (19)    Moon shows maximum libration for the year, 9.87°.
27 Wed. (21)    Moon 4.3° S.S.E. of Uranus (108° from Sun in evening sky).
28 Thu. (11)    Venus at greatest declination south in the year (-23.7°).
30 SAT. ( 9)    Moon 9.1° S.S.E. of Pleiades (141° from Sun in evening sky).
31 SUN. ( 0)    1 Asteroid 1 Ceres at magnitude 7.5, brightening toward opposition 2018 Jan. 31.
31 SUN. ( 1)    Moon 0.74° N.N.W. of Aldebaran (150° from Sun in evening sky). Occultation.