Some news below, but first: Around now may be the earliest chance Continue reading “Venus enters the evening”
Tag: Venus
Four and a half days to the eclipse
The early morning of Thursday August 17.
Dawn Ceres
It’s worth looking at the pre-sunrise sky
and watching Venus Continue reading “Dawn Ceres”
The sky scene, June 20 morning
The Moon passes Venus on the route down
Valentine’s Eve
Why does Valentine’s Day come around in the glumly frigid pit of the year? Continue reading “Valentine’s Eve”
Bonfire of the planets
The Moon, tomorrow morning, cruises down past Mars and Venus.
Venus-Mars-Jupiter splayed in space
You may have seen, or contemplated, the three planets in today’s pre-dawn sky, with the Last Quarter Moon hanging above them. This is how they came to be so beautifully grouped for us.
Tomorrow morning
A welcome to you if you’ve just learned about this blog. Here’s a welcome from the sky.
I’m sorry Continue reading “Tomorrow morning”
Just as you end your all-night vigil
The dawn scene on the other side of the Sun will be rising into your weary view: