The Sun is in the constellation of the two Fishes from March 12 until April 20.
Tag: seasons
The steep hill of spring
On March and April evenings, planets Continue reading “The steep hill of spring”
Latest sunrise tomorrow
Ring Out the Old, Ring In the New
Here is the sky scene on the last evening of 2018.
Midwinter Minima
The undark nights of summer
For most of June, and into July, the Sun is so far north in the sky that it doesn’t get much below our horizon.
Spring coming, Venus going
The spring or vernal equinox is coming, on Monday March 20, Continue reading “Spring coming, Venus going”
Martinmas, Day of the Conscientious Veteran
November 11 is Martinmas, one of the cross-quarter days, roughly half way Continue reading “Martinmas, Day of the Conscientious Veteran”
Yet another definition of midwinter
A group met on the third Monday of the month, Continue reading “Yet another definition of midwinter”
The Twelfth Day of Christmas
I opened the front door and was confronted by a ladder. Continue reading “The Twelfth Day of Christmas”