ALCon, the Astronomical League Conference, was to have Continue reading “Comet to left and Jupiter to right”
Tag: planets
Jupiter’s opposition in Sagittarius
Jupiter will reach opposition on July 14.
Hail, Venus!
As the brightest of planets reappears, my book about Venus the planet and Venus the goddess also rises into view. Continue reading “Hail, Venus!”
Jupiter, Saturn, Moon. amd Time
As Jupiter continues to catch up with Saturn, the Moon comes by, this time passing Continue reading “Jupiter, Saturn, Moon. amd Time”
Venus in waiting
June 3 is a hinge date for Venus.
Moon-Jupiter-Saturn trio
On the morning of Tuesday May 12 comes this concentration of three bright bodies within a circle less than 5 degrees wide.
Venus northernmost, couch awkwardmost
Venus will reach the most northerly point in its whole eight-year cycle, on the evening of Monday May 3 for America.
Valentine Venus
Here’s the sky on the evening of Valentine’s Day.
This evening, the Moon is about to form a “trio” with Venus and Neptune.
Moon-Venus-Jupiter gathering
Venus is still close to Jupiter, Continue reading “Moon-Venus-Jupiter gathering”