Entries from page 26 pf Astronomical Calendar 2022:
Tag: planets
Mars and thirst
Venus passes about 3° north of Mars in the morning sky of Wednesday, March 16. Continue reading “Mars and thirst”
Mind’s sigh
Low in the morning sky, Mercury is passing close south of remote Saturn. And as the waning Moon comes by, Continue reading “Mind’s sigh”
Mars and Ukraine in the balance
The planets remain mostly in the morning sky, as shown in these illustrations Continue reading “Mars and Ukraine in the balance”
The Inner Mongolia of the planets
In February the planets are all over on the sunward side of Earth.
Burns bright
In the morning sky, Continue reading “Burns bright”
A quasi-conjunction
Mercury comes to a conjunction with Saturn – no, not quite. Continue reading “A quasi-conjunction”
Christmas evening sky
Mercury and Venus, and their father Jupiter and grandfather Saturn, beam down on you with their fervent wish that life on their fellow planet will brighten in the coming year. Continue reading “Christmas evening sky”
All Five again
We discussed on August 18 the spans of time when all five naked-eye planets are visible, or at least above the horizon.
It’s taken me all the time since then to master this topic, since it’s not simple. Continue reading “All Five again”
Mercury strives outward
The innermost planet reaches farthest out from the Sun on the evening side. Unfortunately…