The Moon will pass so close north of Mars in the night of September 5/6 that there will be an occultation: a hiding of the planet.
Tag: occultations
Moon, Jupiter, Saturn Across the South
Here is the Moon’s progress past the two great planets over the next several days. Continue reading “Moon, Jupiter, Saturn Across the South”
Moon, Saturn, Jupiter in the dawn sky
Lined up to the east of the Sun are Continue reading “Moon, Saturn, Jupiter in the dawn sky”
Saturn run over by the Moon
Moon and Regulus tonight
In the night between February 28 and March 1, the nearly Full Moon gets in front of Regulus, as seen from Continue reading “Moon and Regulus tonight”
Moon, Regulus, Jupiter
The Moon will pass south of Regulus in the night of April 6/7,
Spring coming, Venus going
The spring or vernal equinox is coming, on Monday March 20, Continue reading “Spring coming, Venus going”
Crescent Moon and planets
The Moon on its way out into December’s evening sky passes as many as six planets in as many days (if you count Pluto as a planet).
Jupiter closely touched by two
The crescent Moon will make a show with distant Jupiter, low over the sunset horizon on Friday, August 5.
And there is, in a sense, a third body in this line-up, a human-made one called Juno. Continue reading “Jupiter closely touched by two”
Red star pricks Moon balloon
For the first of 13 times this year, the Moon will on Tuesday-Wednesday night (Jan. 19/20) pass so close to Aldebaran that it occults (hides) the great “eye of the Bull.”