On March and April evenings, planets Continue reading “The steep hill of spring”
Tag: Moon
Saturn run over by the Moon
The Moon at Mid-Arch from Full to New
The Last Quarter Moon of January 27 will be about as high north of the ecliptic as it can get. You can see why, in this Continue reading “The Moon at Mid-Arch from Full to New”
Moon Ahead!
We’re looking ahead in more than one sense: the Moon will be at its Last Quarter Continue reading “Moon Ahead!”
New Moon and coinciding New Years
New Moon was on September 9 (at 18h Universal Time), so the Moon is barely above the horizon at sunset.
D-shapes and beyond
Saturn, Antares, the First-Quarter Moon, Jupiter, Spica, and Venus – spread across the after-sunset sky.
The last high tide
This weekend’s high tides won’t really be the last, but they may be Continue reading “The last high tide”
Mars and Moon Meet at Midnight
A double sky event will unfold in the night between Thursday July 26 and Friday July 27.
Moon landing anniversary
Planet-crowding, and crowd-planning
On Sunday evening, March 18,the two inner planets and the slender Young Moon will make a sparkling line just above the western horizon.