A “trio” will form in the night between November 20 and 21. Continue reading “Moon, Mars, Manger”
Tag: Moon
Small worlds, small words
About once a year comes a perigean full Moon, an event popularly called a Supermoon because the Moon is nearest and thus appears largest. Continue reading “Small worlds, small words”
Icy cocktail
The very slender Young Moon will on September 5, at 10h by Universal Time, pass one degree south of Venus, close enough Continue reading “Icy cocktail”
Moon, Saturn, and the imaginary far beyond
The Moon will pass 0.44° north or Saturn in the night between August 20 and 21, close enough Continue reading “Moon, Saturn, and the imaginary far beyond”
Looking back to Spica
What does “west” mean? It means Continue reading “Looking back to Spica”
Happy triple birthday
As the Sun sinks underground, the Moon is born. It first emerges on July 6, Continue reading “Happy triple birthday”
Quarter curves
What is happening in the evening sky? Continue reading “Quarter curves”
Not as close as they appear
This evening’s sky. The beautifully crescent Moon has passed south of Pollux and is about to come into a straight line with the two Twin stars. Continue reading “Not as close as they appear”
May vote for one or more
First word of that title is grossly ambiguous!
Continue reading “May vote for one or more”
The Moon Moves Up as the moon moves down
If you go out late this evening and your south-eastern horizon is clear, you will see a nearly full moon rising, and above it the red star Antares. Continue reading “The Moon Moves Up as the moon moves down”