The Moon will pass south of Regulus in the night of April 6/7,
Tag: Jupiter
Jupiter closely touched by two
The crescent Moon will make a show with distant Jupiter, low over the sunset horizon on Friday, August 5.
And there is, in a sense, a third body in this line-up, a human-made one called Juno. Continue reading “Jupiter closely touched by two”
Jupiter is at opposition
As Mars passed Jupiter early today, a gong sounded, or so I whimsically imagined. But how often does that happen?
Venus-Mars-Jupiter splayed in space
You may have seen, or contemplated, the three planets in today’s pre-dawn sky, with the Last Quarter Moon hanging above them. This is how they came to be so beautifully grouped for us.
Tomorrow morning
A welcome to you if you’ve just learned about this blog. Here’s a welcome from the sky.
I’m sorry Continue reading “Tomorrow morning”
Just as you end your all-night vigil
The dawn scene on the other side of the Sun will be rising into your weary view:
Circling Giants
Happenings at Leo’s Front
The year’s closest conjunction of a planet with a first-magnitude star occurs during our August 11 daytime, which, Continue reading “Happenings at Leo’s Front”
Four-body problem
A changing pattern made by two or three celestial bodies that move past each other at angles or in curves can be quite complex; what about four?