The Sun is in the constellation of the two Fishes from March 12 until April 20.
Tag: constellations
The Loss of the Flies
It’s deep autumn, and maybe we feel like a holiday to Continue reading “The Loss of the Flies”
The snake’s two parts
Here is the evening sky scene for Thursday evening, October 19.
Polyhedrons V
Nasty Constellations
Slug, Toad, Leech, Spider, Earthworm – these were some of the thirteen constellations Continue reading “Nasty Constellations”
Tocra Pass
I was wondering when someone would ask me what that picture is, Continue reading “Tocra Pass”
Tails in the Sky
Fred Schaaf in his Sky & Telescope column for this month looks back fondly on the great comet tails that graced the May sky 33 and 30 years ago – Iras-Araki-Alcock and Halley – and then points out Continue reading “Tails in the Sky”
A Reminder from the Virgin
Today at 7 Universal Time the Sun entered Virgo – the constellation, not the zodiacal sign, which it entered back on August 23.
This is very relevant to Continue reading “A Reminder from the Virgin”
Happenings at Leo’s Front
The year’s closest conjunction of a planet with a first-magnitude star occurs during our August 11 daytime, which, Continue reading “Happenings at Leo’s Front”
The central event of the seasons
The summer solstice looms – Sunday, June 21 – but on that day I shall be embarking for an adventure in northwestern Spain, Continue reading “The central event of the seasons”