Uranus is at opposition – the middle of its nearest and brightest Continue reading “Uranus at its 2019 opposition”
Tag: astronomy
Venus nodes
Venus will be at the descending node of its orbit on Continue reading “Venus nodes”
Venus from now to next June
Venus is creeping out into the great evening apparition of the type Continue reading “Venus from now to next June”
Sunday evening sky
I owe some astronomy news, even though the weather Continue reading “Sunday evening sky”
Skies ahead
Here are some stages of the sky at the next two weekends, since I have to Continue reading “Skies ahead”
Equinox evening tomorrow
The September equinox falls on Continue reading “Equinox evening tomorrow”
Are you near to Harper’s Ferry?
Or could you go by there? I’ll say why in a minute. Meanwhile, here is how the evening sky is looking, Continue reading “Are you near to Harper’s Ferry?”
Astronomical Calendar for 2020, and MORE!
The Zodiac Wavy Chart for next year is now ready. Here is a glimpse of it: Continue reading “Astronomical Calendar for 2020, and MORE!”
Perseids in moonlight
The Perseid meteor shower has long been famous as the most Continue reading “Perseids in moonlight”
Moon, Jupiter, Saturn Across the South
Here is the Moon’s progress past the two great planets over the next several days. Continue reading “Moon, Jupiter, Saturn Across the South”