Tsar Peter was uncommonly tall, but I didn’t know he was this much taller than me.
Continue reading “Peter the Great on the banks of the Thames”
Guy Ottewell's website and weblog
Tsar Peter was uncommonly tall, but I didn’t know he was this much taller than me.
Continue reading “Peter the Great on the banks of the Thames”
I came upon this spectacle by sheer luck, though it’s only five hundred yards from my door.
Like a meteor shower, the London Marathon returns Continue reading “Marathonids”
November 11 is Martinmas, one of the cross-quarter days, roughly half way Continue reading “Martinmas, Day of the Conscientious Veteran”
Today is Guy Fawkes Day in England, and Clock Change Eve in America. Continue reading “Guy and the clock”
“Shakespeare Explains the 2016 Election” was the title of an Oct. 8 opinion article Continue reading “Maligned King Richard”
We stayed this time in the district we call Miracoli, Continue reading “Two more Venice scenes – kick, and Sarpi”
If you were to visit me this year by means of Google Earth, you would find yourself descending on me through a lofty tangle of masts, spars, and ropes.
The Perseid meteors should be abundant, in the night between August 11 and 12 – Thursday evening into the dark morning hours of Friday morning.