The waxing Moon will appear close to Mars and remote Uranus in the evening sky of Sunday, February 10.
Category: climate, environment
The groundhog and the extremes
It’s colder than ever – we woke to our first snow here this morning, February 1. So you’ll think at least one and a half times before going out in tomorrow’s dawn to see what the groundhog sees.
Goodbye Miami, Venice, Calcutta, and the atolls
Yet another warning
Continue reading “Goodbye Miami, Venice, Calcutta, and the atolls”
Points, more
“Global warming should be called global heating, says key scientist.” Continue reading “Points, more”
Comments: Cato, Stereo
Prose is linear, but the blog-and-comment system, Continue reading “Comments: Cato, Stereo”
Global Heating
A few noted in 2018:
Eclipse, clouds, climate
“After 50 days of drought and clear skies, one more wouldn’t have been too much to ask!”
On and In Extinction
I am living a few hundred feet above a scar, a surface representing the worst disaster ever inflicted on planet Earth.
Transnational science
While presidents threaten each other’s countries with nuclear obliteration, or repress and starve and bombard their own citizens, other humans of more constructive character Continue reading “Transnational science”