There have been many messages expressing regret that Continue reading “Moonlight through Weeds”
Category: astronomy
Sudden darkness two Augusts ahead
A look-forward to next year’s great eclipse. Here is the sky as seen in the middle of it, from the middle of the USA, at 2017 August 21, Continue reading “Sudden darkness two Augusts ahead”
Five petals of Venus
To return to the subject of how orbits appear when plotted geocentrically (that is, with the Earth stationary).
Nasty Constellations
Slug, Toad, Leech, Spider, Earthworm – these were some of the thirteen constellations Continue reading “Nasty Constellations”
Earth-Centered Swirlings
Mars continues its high season of observability, indeed is still coming slightly nearer than it was at opposition a few days ago, as well as being free of the Full Moon’s glare. Continue reading “Earth-Centered Swirlings”
An Aristeia of Mars
Get ready for the opposition of Mars on Sunday May 22, and even better later.
Astronomy Day
It’s Spring Astronomy Day, and this is the sky scene that should greet you as evening falls.
Tails in the Sky
Fred Schaaf in his Sky & Telescope column for this month looks back fondly on the great comet tails that graced the May sky 33 and 30 years ago – Iras-Araki-Alcock and Halley – and then points out Continue reading “Tails in the Sky”
Link to the Transit of Mercury
On Monday May 9 comes the passage of the pinpoint black planet (here shown 5 times larger than scale) across the vast boiling face of the Sun.
Longitude zero
This line