Today is one second longer than other days. 2016 will be longer than other years by one day plus one second.
Category: astronomy
Celestial foretaste of 2017
Here are some of the sky scenes awaiting us in the first half of the coming year.
Boxing Day
Whenever I have to carry a cardboard box, Continue reading “Boxing Day”
Ursids and Solstice and Last Quarter
The Ursids, of the night of December 21/22, are the last noticeable meteor shower of the year.
Passage and Orion
The heavenly clock turns on, and Continue reading “Passage and Orion”
The Geminids through moonlight
To Know the Stars
If you still need a seasonal gift for someone, I have to suggest –
Crescent Moon and planets
The Moon on its way out into December’s evening sky passes as many as six planets in as many days (if you count Pluto as a planet).
Asteroids of 2017
I’ve won a battle with the asteroids, and so am able to start adding them to “Astronomical Calendar 2017” Continue reading “Asteroids of 2017”
Thanksgiving evening
Clear above the horizon is Venus, becoming brighter and larger as it swings in toward us.