This is what the opposition of Jupiter means.
Category: astronomy
Moon, Regulus, Jupiter
The Moon will pass south of Regulus in the night of April 6/7,
Mercury on April the First
This is the best showing Mercury can make for you this evening: Continue reading “Mercury on April the First”
Venus hurdles the Sun
In the famous eight-year cycle of Venus, 2017 Continue reading “Venus hurdles the Sun”
Spring coming, Venus going
The spring or vernal equinox is coming, on Monday March 20, Continue reading “Spring coming, Venus going”
Moon-Venus-Encke-Mars-Uranus congress
A gathering in the evening sky. Continue reading “Moon-Venus-Encke-Mars-Uranus congress”
A second close-passing comet
Climbing northward out of the constellation Cancer is Continue reading “A second close-passing comet”
The Commonest Comet
Encke’s Comet is swooping in, on the latest of its many returns.
Comet with a name longer than its tail
The first bright comet of the year – not bright enough Continue reading “Comet with a name longer than its tail”
Valentine’s Eve
Why does Valentine’s Day come around in the glumly frigid pit of the year? Continue reading “Valentine’s Eve”