How many stars can you see with naked eye inside the rectangle of Orion?
Category: astronomy
The groundhog and the extremes
It’s colder than ever – we woke to our first snow here this morning, February 1. So you’ll think at least one and a half times before going out in tomorrow’s dawn to see what the groundhog sees.
The Moon at Mid-Arch from Full to New
The Last Quarter Moon of January 27 will be about as high north of the ecliptic as it can get. You can see why, in this Continue reading “The Moon at Mid-Arch from Full to New”
The Cuba Eclipse
Let’s be ready for the night between January 20 and 21 Continue reading “The Cuba Eclipse”
Ravens of the Tower
Why is the prime meridian of Earth at Greenwich? Well, while I was living Continue reading “Ravens of the Tower”
In a Venn Cell by Himself
A dialogue arose from Continue reading “In a Venn Cell by Himself”
Latest sunrise tomorrow
The Quadrantid meteors
This first of the expected annual showers should be active in the night between January 3 and 4. Continue reading “The Quadrantid meteors”
Quiz erat demonstrandum
“Today is the first day of the rest of your life,” and: “Your message is very important to us” – I was impressed Continue reading “Quiz erat demonstrandum”
Ring Out the Old, Ring In the New
Here is the sky scene on the last evening of 2018.