The Sun’s gone down, the starry crowd goes down, Continue reading “The bowl of the May sky”
Category: astronomy
Ramadan and Halley meteors
The Moon was New on May 3, Continue reading “Ramadan and Halley meteors”
Beetles steer by the Milky Way
Animals such as frogs, geckos, moths, and tiny sweat bees can see color Continue reading “Beetles steer by the Milky Way”
Venus, Moon and others tomorrow morning
Venus is getting down very low to the pre-sunrise horizon.
The Lyrids tomorrow night
Meteors of this springtime stream Continue reading “The Lyrids tomorrow night”
Precession slide-rule
On this Good Friday, the Moon is Full and Continue reading “Precession slide-rule”
Easter, when on Earth is it?
Today is Palm Sunday, the beginning of the week that climaxes with Easter. Continue reading “Easter, when on Earth is it?”
A sky group this evening
The slender Moon, 3 days and 19 hours old, approaches red Mars and red Aldebaran.
Slender Moon for Saturday evening
Spring evenings are favorable for catching the Young Moon. It climbs Continue reading “Slender Moon for Saturday evening”
Map of the Starry Sky
I’ve produced a new poster – Continue reading “Map of the Starry Sky”