High on the meridian of the winter sky, Continue reading “Atlas and the weight of the greedy world”
Category: astronomy
Moon missed and plane hit
Tomorrow morning’s dawn scene.
Star clusters and cultural treasures
Here is tomorrow’s sky, four hours after sunset yet still comfortably early in the long winter evening. Continue reading “Star clusters and cultural treasures”
Three Kings Night
Monday, January 6, the end of the Twelve Days of Christmas, is Epiphany, Continue reading “Three Kings Night”
The Quadrantids in your sky
We’ve already shown you how this stream of particles comes curving in Continue reading “The Quadrantids in your sky”
2020 vision
Welcome to 2020, the last year of the second decade of the 21st century. Continue reading “2020 vision”
Christmas present and year future
Happy Christmas to you! Here’s the sky on the Continue reading “Christmas present and year future”
Rebounding Sun
Solstice morning Sun, at its lowest, burning a hole in the clouds over the bay. Continue reading “Rebounding Sun”
Quarter and Carter
This morning before what should have been sunrise, I was riding along the Continue reading “Quarter and Carter”
The Geminids and where they come from
The particles that make the Geminid meteor stream come in across Continue reading “The Geminids and where they come from”