In spring the Earth is smiling
Category: astronomy
Leap day and March ahead
February 29 is Leap Day, that occurs only once in four years.
Draco and small relatives
Here for a change is the sky of the deep night, looking north.
New Moon, and new book
Here is Sunday’s sky before dawn.
Valentine Venus
Here’s the sky on the evening of Valentine’s Day.
This is the nearest I can get, at this time of year, to showing you both of the heavenly Crowns.
I saw the eclipse of 1997 March 9 through a snowstorm near the northern edge of Mongolia. These objects –
Ring the bells for a tragedy?
On Black Friday, January 31, Britain will drop our of the European Union.
This evening, the Moon is about to form a “trio” with Venus and Neptune.
Long starways and walkways
Coming to the meridian at this time of a winter evening is the immensely long constellation of the river Eridanus. Continue reading “Long starways and walkways”