Flies are nasty little nuisances, right?
They drag the world’s diseases on their feet.
Their eggs grow into maggots in our meet.
But here is a handsome small object:
Guy Ottewell's website and weblog
Flies are nasty little nuisances, right?
They drag the world’s diseases on their feet.
Their eggs grow into maggots in our meet.
But here is a handsome small object:
The field beside the road through Syon Park is usually empty; sometimes it’s used for public events such as drive-in movies; sometimes there’s a flock of blackbirds; yesterday the Syon herd of cattle was there. Today they are replaced by wild geese.
The Moon will be at First Quarter Continue reading “Overshoot”
The Sun enters the astrological sign Virgo on Saturday August 22, at 16 hours by Universal Time. But, astronomically, it is still in Leo. It crossed the boundary into Leo on Aug. 10, and will not cross the next boundary, into Virgo, until September 16.
Diana, the Moon, nods to Venus, queen of planets, in the morning sky of Saturday, August 15 – Continue reading “Goddess greets goddess in the east”
I’ve been so dazzled by Venus Continue reading “Intercepting the Perseids and the water”
Venus will reach on Wednesday August 12 i Continue reading “Morning Venus over Khajuraho”
Venus, who has been our Morning Star since June 3 –
– is in a bad temper Continue reading “Blemish-free Venus”
The longest star names I can think of are Continue reading “Long and longer”
There’s been discussion among our learned commenters about a current alignment of planets Continue reading “Planetary alignment?”