Here is the sky at midnight between November 2 and 3. Continue reading “Equation at maximum, jaguar at minimum”
Category: astronomy
Shallowe’en and Clock Schlock
Saturday October 31 is Hallowe’en, but the evening may not be much fun. Trick-or-treating, Continue reading “Shallowe’en and Clock Schlock”
Orion and the right to insult
You may notice a few Orionid meteors in the after-midnight sky any time from about October 2 to November 7, but they should be at their best in the night between October 20 and 21.
Mars opposition in Pisces
Mars will be at opposition, the mid-point of the best time for seeing it, on October 13. Continue reading “Mars opposition in Pisces”
Draconid particles in the air
This annual meteor shower should be at its best in the night of October 7 to 8.
Saturn hesitates before the Great Conjunction
On Tuesday, September 29, Saturn will become stationary – a sort of prelude to Continue reading “Saturn hesitates before the Great Conjunction”
We arrive on Tuesday September 22 at the equinox: when day and night hang equal. Continue reading “Concolor”
Poor Capricorn
This is an example Continue reading “Poor Capricorn”
Mars and Moon in the Morning
The Moon will pass so close north of Mars in the night of September 5/6 that there will be an occultation: a hiding of the planet.
Where are the forests of the sky?
There are no plant constellations. Continue reading “Where are the forests of the sky?”