Conspiracy Feory

A cabal of Jewish-Romany transgender Ivy League Old Etonian vegetarian red-haired left-handed pedophile elites is using the Pfizer-BionTech vaccine to mutate a liberal gene into our DNA,  the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine to hasten dementia, and the Moderna vaccine to implant irritating needles that will email our locations to the KGB.  The chief plotters – the Dalai Lama, Pope Francis, George Soros, Barack Obama, Jimmy Carter, and Abdullah Ocalan, joined by the up-tapped spirits of Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela, and Martin Luther King – are meeting in a cave named Deep State on the far side of the Moon (Elon Musk is absent, on Mars) to devise unstoppable new variants of the virus, which is called Covid-19 because it is covert only to idiots and 19 is the 8th prime number, and the 8th president of Turkey was poisoned with DDT-laced lemonade, and it (the aforementioned virus) was first synthesized out of bat snot by a team of socialist witches, Chomskyite transformational grammarians, and Somali librarians in a Caltech-owned basement under the London School of Economics, so as to reap vast profits by later converting the machinery to produce vaccines and vodka.  And if you think these pee-reviewed narratives are sick, you need PE, personal protective equipment (such as a bullet-proof vest and a bodyguard).

Crashing into the Last Quarter Moon

It’s still getting colder.  Back on December 21 passed the winter solstice – accompanied, this year, by the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn – and then on December 31 the lamentable moment when once-Great Britain dropped out of a greater family, the European Union.

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