The coming Full Moon will be one of the nearest and largest-looking. The Full moment is April 27 at about 3:30 Universal Time, which is 4 or more hours earlier by American clocks, so the evening on which to gaze at it is that of Monday April 26. Continue reading “Syzygy and Novichok”
Category: astronomy
Earth Day and a dusty day
Earth has seldom been in more need of its Day. Continue reading “Earth Day and a dusty day”
The moving Moon went up the sky
April splay and yond-glare
Why are we now starved of planetary activity in the after-sunset sky? Continue reading “April splay and yond-glare”
Easter morning eastern sky
Loonar dream house
Hurry! You can put down a deposit of only £4,400,000 (dollars, multiply by 1.39) for the first house on the Moon. The price is only £44,525,536.42, and your monthly exoenses will be only £234,000 – mortgage, water, power, food, meteor protection, and average property markup of 27.61 percent.
So says a message received from Eve (and Adam?) today, March 30. Postal and trash collection services, school and medical facilities, and council tax – oh, and oxygen – are not mentioned or may be in the small print. The message must have got past the spam filter quicker than expected, being surely intended for tomorrow, April 1.
I agree that from the lonely luxury of my lunar mansion I would have the purest view of the starry universe, and of a gray desert. Nevertheless, you couldn’t pay me to take up the offer, let alone ask me to pay the millions I don’t have. I’d rather live amid air, trees, clouds, and all the hazes created by man and other biota, and forgive them for interfering with the sky.
This weblog maintains its right to be about astronomy or anything under the sun.
Heavenly rivers and earthly canals
Here is the sky on Palm Sunday evening.
Said a journalist, Mr. Clee Shay
“I’m never unsure what to say.
Why bother to strive
For a phrase that’s alive
When a dead one will do, any day?”
Through the gates of spring
Here’s the sky on this first evening of northern spring.
See the end note about enlarging illustrations. Continue reading “Through the gates of spring”
Red gateway, doubled daytime, troubled clocktime
Red Mars is passing red Aldebaran, and the Moon will sweep between the two on Friday March 19.
Continue reading “Red gateway, doubled daytime, troubled clocktime”