Vesta, vests, and the fallibility of poets

Everyone’s favorite asteroid, Vesta, is taking its apparent retrograde path, across the hind leg of Leo the lion, as we pass nearest to it.

Continue reading “Vesta, vests, and the fallibility of poets”

The Sirius-Canopus Hour and Yemen

We contemplated the Coma Hour and the limiting latitude for seeing the Southern Cross.  The other lantern that can lurk at the southern horizon is Canopus, second brightest of stars. Continue reading “The Sirius-Canopus Hour and Yemen”

Crux, the Coma Hour, and school exams

We’ve had discussion about how far south you have to be to see the small, brilliant, and charismatic constellation of the Southern Cross. Continue reading “Crux, the Coma Hour, and school exams”