On Saint Valentine’s Day, the planet of love prevails in the evening sky. Continue reading “Venus, Valentine, and Vlad”
Category: astronomy
Time warp
If the Groundhog emerges tomorrow from his burrow in the bank and sees this – Continue reading “Time warp”
Interesting weeks?
“May you live in interesting times!”
This is said to be a Chinese curse. Continue reading “Interesting weeks?”
Lights, camera, Quadrantids
Happy new year! The Quadrantid meteor shower switches on the lights Continue reading “Lights, camera, Quadrantids”
Sun southernmost
The solstice comes tomorrow, Saturday December 21, Continue reading “Sun southernmost”
The Stout Shower and the Syrian Temblor
The meteor showers have characters, or so I feel.
Jupiter between the horns of Taurus
Jupiter will be at opposition on Saturday Dec 7 at 21h by Universal Time.
Here is the evening scene Continue reading “Jupiter between the horns of Taurus”
Astronomical Calendar 2025 IS READY
Better late than never! Continue reading “Astronomical Calendar 2025 IS READY”
Moon, Mars, Manger
A “trio” will form in the night between November 20 and 21. Continue reading “Moon, Mars, Manger”
Leo extinguished?
Tonight the Lion may roar or merely tweet. Continue reading “Leo extinguished?”