Over in the morning sky, Venus –
The Laughter of the Stars – 1
Tomorrow, Saturday September 19, is Fall Astronomy Day.
A Reminder from the Virgin
Today at 7 Universal Time the Sun entered Virgo – the constellation, not the zodiacal sign, which it entered back on August 23.
This is very relevant to Continue reading “A Reminder from the Virgin”
Sliding Blocks of Time
Here’s a small foretaste from Astronomical Calendar 2016. Continue reading “Sliding Blocks of Time”
Take warm clothing and springy boots
The Moon will go by in front of the Sun on Sunday September 13 –
Moon between planets
Moon between Planets
It’s getting to be easier to be out before sunrise. I was, this morning, but not, I confess, early enough to see this sight.
Mercury the Perverse
Venus is slowing in its climb away from the Sun into the pre-dawn sky, but manages to pass Mars.
Morning Star
Yes, the spark of Venus now definitively burns through the low pre-dawn sky,
Teahouse of the August Moon
This is how the evening sky will look over the next few days.