These curious tunnels –
Just as you end your all-night vigil
The dawn scene on the other side of the Sun will be rising into your weary view:
Magical Dinosaur
If you see a shooting star around now, it likely is one of the meteors called Draconids.
Our Galaxy, Toppled and Bleached
This tilted map of the summer Milky Way suddenly filled the screen in front of me. After a few moments it disappeared, and was replaced by a drawing of a rag doll.
Circling Giants
Comet we should’a visited
An interesting comet will be very near to Saturn this evening, which may help in finding it with a good telescopes or binoculars.
Bull’s Eye
The Moon is aiming for Aldebaran, the bright reddish “eye” of Taurus the Bull.
White Fake (a kind of White Lie)
The plan was, I would get up at 2:45 Continue reading “White Fake (a kind of White Lie)”
Two Moments
Remember to turn out and see the Moon totally eclipsed, in the night between Sunday and Monday, September 27/28.