In the morning sky, Continue reading “Burns bright”
We sometimes get breakfast at Continue reading “Discobolus”
Adjustments for precession and parenthood
Tomorrow, January 19, the Sun will enter constellation Capricornus.
Continue reading “Adjustments for precession and parenthood”
The other royal observatory
From our window in Isleworth, we see across a forested island in the Thames to another line of trees, beyond which Continue reading “The other royal observatory”
A quasi-conjunction
Mercury comes to a conjunction with Saturn – no, not quite. Continue reading “A quasi-conjunction”
Homage to Archimedes
The Antikythera device: you’ve probably heard of this marvel. Continue reading “Homage to Archimedes”
Black holes of cyberspace
Here is the sky scene for this evening, taken from page 15 of Astronomical Calendar 2022: Continue reading “Black holes of cyberspace”
Turn-of-the-year quirks
Well, it’s December 20 already, soon be Christmas!
Apology, I’m Continue reading “Turn-of-the-year quirks”
Stones the size of goose eggs
May a happy year start for you tomorrow! And may no stones fall from the sky on your head!
Christmas evening sky
Mercury and Venus, and their father Jupiter and grandfather Saturn, beam down on you with their fervent wish that life on their fellow planet will brighten in the coming year. Continue reading “Christmas evening sky”