A slightly improved version of my diagram of our motions in space – Continue reading “Accelerating planets and absurdities”
Second eclipse of 2022
The Moon will go into total eclipse during the night of May 15-16, Sunday-Monday. Continue reading “Second eclipse of 2022”
Speeding to the Great Attractor, and to the Carbon Bomb
Where are you going? That is, how fast and in which direction are you being transported through space? Continue reading “Speeding to the Great Attractor, and to the Carbon Bomb”
Post-victory parade of planets
The morning parade of planets continues, including Mars god of war and Pluto god of hell: Continue reading “Post-victory parade of planets”
Language of lunations and invasions
The Moon swings to her crescent quarter place. Continue reading “Language of lunations and invasions”
Shooting stars and daisies
The Eta Aquarid meteors should be seen best in the after-midnight hours of May 4, 5, and 6. Continue reading “Shooting stars and daisies”
Bombs and books
Here is the sky over the western horizon this Sunday evening, May 1.
The Venus-Jupiter conjunction
In the morning sky of Saturday April 30, Venus will be less than a quarter of a degree south of Jupiter.
Shower of dust and rockets
The Lyrid meteors should be seen in the nights of April 21, 22, and 23. Continue reading “Shower of dust and rockets”
Loomin Moon, and Doom not Looming?
Today is Good Friday, and tomorrow comes the full Moon that is just in time to make the next day Easter Sunday.