You’ve been watching Venus climb toward Jupiter in the evening sky. Continue reading “Venus and Jupiter on March 1”
Down the road to Jericho
The last-quarter Moon stands like a signpost Continue reading “Down the road to Jericho”
Love thy neighbor
The British government of prime minister Rishi Sunak is bent on Continue reading “Love thy neighbor”
The days are nine till Valentine, Continue reading “Valeat”
Thor’s day
A groundhog comes out his burrow in Pennsylvania on February 2 and, if he sees his shadow because the sky is icy-clear, determines that winter will linger for six weeks? Nonsense! Continue reading “Thor’s day”
A memory of Dorset: Bridport, Gurkhas
A photographer came to our house, Continue reading “A memory of Dorset: Bridport, Gurkhas”
Mer-Mar activity
Mercury reaches on Monday January 30 its Continue reading “Mer-Mar activity”
Luna Proxima
The Moon on Saturday January 21 will be at its Continue reading “Luna Proxima”
Jove comes in
Jupiter on January 20 passes through perihelion, Continue reading “Jove comes in”
Angular arguments
You’ve been looking at my description of Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) – and may getting a look at the comet itself Continue reading “Angular arguments”