These are books, booklets, and posters by Guy, unless otherwise noted.

Astronomical Calendar 2025

Astronomical Calendar 2024

Map of the Starry Sky

Zodiac Wavy Charts

To Know the Stars

The Under-Standing of Eclipses 2016

Five Escapers

The Astronomical Companion

Venus - a longer view

Uranus, Neptune, Pluto

Klara Lingvo

Albedo to Zodiac

The Thousand-Yard Model or, The Earth as a Peppercorn

The Troy Town Tale

Berenice's Hair

Approval Voting

Language (poems)

Portrait of a Million

Think Like a Mother

Phonic Readers

A Bemerton Anthology

Ten-Minute History of the World and, Queen Guinevere's Rules

The Winged Velocipede

Turkey: a Very Short History

The Spiral Library


Stripe Latin

Toward an Aesthetic Evaluation of the Furman Campus

American Indian Map, and Navajo Map

Star-Flake greeting card
Astronomical Calendar 2025
Copiously illustrated guide to sky events, with 141 letter-size pages. Now a printed book and also an electronic book.Astronomical Calendar 2024
Copiously illustrated guide to sky events, with 141 letter-size pages. Now a printed book and also an electronic book.Map of the Starry Sky
Poster, 3 by 2 feet' the entire sky, with 1,300 stars, all constellations.Zodiac Wavy Charts
The Zodiac Wavy Chart is a 2-by-3 foot poster displaying the movements of the Sun, Moon, and planets throughout the year. To Know the Stars
Clear and simple introduction to astronomy, for children and other beginners.The Under-Standing of Eclipses 2016
This book, now in an enlarged 5th edition, methodically explains why eclipses of the Sun and Moon happen, their intricate patterns in time and space - and why they are so exciting. There are page-spreads, with dynamic globe diagrams, for examples of the main kinds of eclipse and several curious cases, such as a "broken-ring eclipse", a "geometrically tight eclipse", a "globe-skimming eclipse"; and the cross-USA total solar eclipse of August 2017. Rich illustrations, including the 12-page "bead curtain" chart of all eclipses from 1901 to 2116; "Eclipse stories" (with some cartoons); eclipses of the future; tables; index. 8½ x 11 in., 96 pages, many illustrations. 1991; 2nd edition 1991; 3rd edition 2004; 4th edition 2013; 5th edition 2016, with recent updates. ISBN 978-0-934546-74-4.
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Five Escapers
Large poster showing in three-dimensional view the paths of the spacecraft that have been sent past the outer planets and on into intertellar space - Pioneers 10 and 11, Voyagers 1 and 2, New Horizons.The Astronomical Companion
Guide to astronomy, rich in 3-D diagrams.
This is a NEW EDITION of the book first published in 1979 and reprinted 18 timesVenus - a longer view
The planet Venus: the pattern of its movements, its extraordinary physical nature, and how to see it in your skies over the years ahead.
And the goddess Venus, in mythology, literature, and art.138 pages; about 200 illustrations, including charts
Available on Amazon, also through bookstores. Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
A longer view of their history and their movements in the years aheadKlara Lingvo
A short novel in Esperanto and English on facing pages, enjoyable way to learn the international language.Albedo to Zodiac
Glossary of astronomical terms and pronunciations.
The Thousand-Yard Model or, The Earth as a Peppercorn
Walking the solar system. "Another 95 paces to Jupiter..."!
The Troy Town Tale
The mass of legends about Troy, in the form of a novel.
Berenice's Hair
Berenice, queen of Egypt, sacrificed her beautiful hair when her husband came safely home; it was hung up in a temple - but vanished, and became the constellation Coma Berenices. What really happened to her hair? Approval Voting
Portrait of a Million
Poster, with a sea of dots — the only way to see this absurdly large number..
Think Like a Mother
A human rights photo book..
Phonic Readers
by Barbara Murray. Story books using the best method for helping children to read.
A Bemerton Anthology
Poems by George Herbert and Barbara Murray.
Ten-Minute History of the World and, Queen Guinevere's Rules
Two essays: Ten-Minute History of the World, and Queen Guinevere’s Rules.
The Winged Velocipede
How to fly overseas with your bicycle
Turkey: a Very Short History
An invented musical instrument
Stripe Latin
Toward an Aesthetic Evaluation of the Furman Campus
Analysis and criticism of a South Carolina university campus with a reputation for beauty; of local interest — or perhaps wider because touching on issues of design and environment.6½ x 9½ in., 6 pages; map. 1986. ISBN 978-0-934546-44-7.
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