The sky scene in yesterday’s post about the array of planets in the evening sky remains usable until March 12. So here is that picture again, because something may have gone wrong for you.
If the post appeared defectively, with pictures missing, I’d like to know what device you used (computer, tablet, phone). It seems not to happen if your habit is to open a post by clicking on its title (whereupon it opens as a web page). I need to root out the gremlin. He may be a hit-gremlins sent by the Kremlin because of my sarcasms about Ukraine.
This weblog maintains its right to be about astronomy or anything under the sun.
I have been one of your readers/followers for many solar revolutions and have learned much about Astronomy through your illustrations.
I can also relate to your ‘gremlin’ issue. For almost 2 months I could not get my web site to display properly. Turns out the gremlin was this missing character <.
Could be mine too, or close to it. That character is used to open some sp,e specoa; codes, and you have to be careful that they are also closed.