Astronomical Calendar 2025 IS READY

Better late than never!

As in the past two years, it is a printed and an electronic (downloadable) book, of 141 letter-size page crammed with information and colored illustrations.

The cover picture story is of Cygnus, the swan constellation, flying along the river of the Milky Way.

The “Comets” pages are back, with 3-D views of their wild paths in space.

More information in our web page.


14 thoughts on “Astronomical Calendar 2025 IS READY”

  1. 2025 why is the Horizons Scene only shown for January and not all of the other months?

    Also, why is Saturn not labeled next to Venus on the Sky Dome?

    1. I made horizon scenes to fill what would otherwise have been large blanks spaces on pages. They are in addition to, and more elaborae than, the pairs of “best” horizon scenes for all the months.

  2. This is exactly as advertised…..beautiful detail and looks great in my office.

  3. Wow, been waiting-just ordered the print copy off of you know who.Enjoyed the “A.C. is ready” write up …”Samizat”, huh, still the little scamp we’ve come to know and love !. With Admiration

  4. Will you ever print this guide again in larger format… for us traditional readers with eyes that are weaker.

    1. The large format became impossible when I ceased to have office and storage space; I have to use print-on-demand (printing and distribution outsourced to a firm) and the limit for that is 8.5×11 inches.
      That’s why I also issue it in digital form, which you can magnify as much as you like.

  5. Thank you for all you do. I’ll be purchasing a copy for my adjusting room

  6. Oh, hooray – I just ordered the pdf! I use the heck out of this calendar – have for years! :)

  7. The cover looks gorgeous…but like last years that we did not purchase ONLY because Amazon was the delivering carrier…we probably will not get one this year unless your delivery carrier is anyone else in the world.

    1. I would like to avoid Amazon. It unfairly outcompetes traditional shops.
      But I can now produce books only by print-on-demand (POD), the system by which books are printed only when needed. I’m no longer in a position to print and store thousands, and process and ship orders.
      Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing is the only convenient POD book provider I have been able to find.
      You may be able to ask a bookstore to find the book for you. It’s in the system that they use for finding books by ISBN, international Standard Book Number: 978-0-934546-93-5

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