Filaments in Perseus’s beard

The Perseid meteor shower will be at its peak in the night between August 11 and 12. Here is the scene for an American location as the Perseid radiant comes into view above the north-eastern horizon, not long before midnight.

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The radiant is the small area from which the meteors of this stream appear to fly out. The Perseid radiant is just north of the stars forming the hero’s helmet.

If you see, in any part of the sky, a streak of light that could be traced back to that area, it is almost certainly a Perseid, rather than a “sporadic” meteor caused by a random particle of dust circulating in space.

Perseus himself, slayer of monsters, was born in consequence of a shower, as narrated in the cover picture and story of Astronomical Calendar 2024

As the night goes on, the radiant climbs higher, parallel to the celestial equator, so that more meteors make trails above the horizon. It follows that the best hours are those before dawn twilight of August 12.

This spatial diagram explains the geometry.

You are looking down on our planet from ecliptic north – that is, vertically down on it as it travels along its orbit. These meteors are hitting the front, or morning, side of the planet. That is why they are seen most abundantly in the morning hours, and also why they plunge into the atmosphere at the high velocity of nearly 60 kilometers per second. America is (as shown by the arrow above the equator) rotating toward its better after-midnight view of the oncoming meteors.

(Notice, in our sky scene, the point marked “Earth’s direction of travel.” It is below the horizon and will be above it after midnight.)

The space view also shows that, this year, the Moon happens to be in almost the opposite direction. It will be at its first quarter phase a few hours later on Monday and will have set early in the night. Its glare will be out of the sky,

The dotted line represents only the meteors that happen to come from overhead. They are like a single narrow thread in the meteor stream. The stream is vastly wider than Earth. It consists of particles traveling only roughly in the orbit of a comet, having been shed from it over centuries, especially at is perihelion passages as it whirled closest past the Sun.

(The comet is 109P Swift-Tuttle, whose designation means that it was the 109th recognized as periodic, after its discovery by Lewis Swift and Horace Tuttle in 1862.)

So Earth travels through the broad stream for about a month, and a few meteors from the fringes might be noticed as early as July 17 or as late as August 24.

At the peak night in the middle of the stream, the expected abundance is expressed by what is called the zenithal hourly rate, ZHR. This is the number that might be counted in an hour by a single observer with perfect sky conditions and with the radiant overhead. The actual number you see is liable to be less.

The Perseids’ ZHR is given as 100 – highest of all the reliable annual showers, except for the Geminids of December with ZHR 150. The Perseids traditionally were dominant among the annual showers, so much so that late summer was thought of as the season of meteors, until they were surpassed by the Geminids a few decades ago.


I’m indebted to Alastair McBeath for informing me of some interesting research, reported recently in the journal of the International Meteor Organization. Filaments – thicker trails of comet debris – have been distinguished in the Perseid stream, traceable to perihelion passages of the comet from as far back as 69 BC (arithmetically -68, there being no year 0).

Of these ancient filaments, that from 569 AD encounters Earth’s orbit most closely. So some of the meteors seen about 7 Universal Time (2 CDT) may belong to it. That does not necessarily mean noticeably distinct meteors or a noticeable increase in the number seen, since the filaments were detected in a more subtle statistical way, having to do with magnitude data – the relarive numbers at levels of brightness, implying different sizes of particles.

But it could be fun to imagine: That streak split off from the komêtês, the “hairy star,” back in 569 when the Lombards, the long-bearded invaders, were pouring into Italy.


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5 thoughts on “Filaments in Perseus’s beard”

  1. Are the meteors filaments, or bits of dandruff? ;-)

    Last Sunday night, August 4, I was at Fremont Peak Observatory near San Juan Bautista, California. It was a beautiful night, so I stayed out all night watching the sky. I saw a few Perseid meteors.

    What does lambda Sun tell us about comet dust trails?

      1. Whatever lambda Sun means, for these six dust trails, lambda Sun varies between 139.497 and 139.941, so all the dust trails seem pretty similar in this regard. Lambda often represents the length of a sine wave, e.g. an electromagnetic wave, but I don’t see how wavelength applies to comet dust trails. Life is full of mysteries.

        1. Apology, I should of course have realized that you were referring to the column in the table headed with Greek letter lambda and a subscript Sun symbol, and I should have explained in advance what that means. To quote from my glossary book, Albedo to Zodiac

          solar longitude is used to specify the occurrence of meteor showers more reliably than by calendar date. For instance the peak of the Lyrid shower occurs when the Sun appears at ecliptic longitude 32.3° (the Earth therefore is at longitude 212.3° in its orbit); to say it occurs on April 22 is not always true, because of leap years.

          1. Thank you. Mystery solved. Lambda Sun denotes ecliptic longitude. If the Earth travels roughly one degree per day, all these dust streams are within half a day of one another.

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