Vacancy in the calendar

Today used to be April 1, All Fools Day, when you had to be prepared for encounters with jokers ambushing you with utterances like “The Moon has exploded!” or “Peace has broken out!”

But after a joint statement by SkepticWatch, Dinwits United, and Yehudim Ksheyim Havanah, quoting Jesus: “Whoever says ‘Thou fool!’ is in danger of hell fire,” “fool” has become a four-letter word. It is replaced by “wisdom impaired,” and today April 1 All Fools Day no longer exists.

You can be as credulous as you like. You are free to believe any rumor, myth, propaganda, hoax,  or conspiracy theory.

If anyone laughs at you for believing what he says and retorts “April Fool!” it can only be a paradox, an unresolvable self-contradiction like  “Whatever I say is untrue.”


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