Complementary colors

Planetary action is still in the morning sky, as shown in this pair of scenes from Astronomical Calendar 2022, for tomorrow:

The horizon is for an American location at latitude 40° north, but there is little difference over the rest of North America and Europe.


Blue and yellow

These colors are exactly the inverse of each other:

For human vision, blue is one of the primary “additive” colors (red, green, blue). If a beam of light contains equal amounts of photons around all three of these wavelengths, it looks white. If it contains red and green but not blue, it looks yellow.

And yellow is one of the “subtractive” primaries (cyan, magenta, yellow). If a substance is painted so that it absorbs blue, it will reflect red and green, the mixture of which looks yellow.

Ukraine always puts the blue above the yellow in its flag and in other displays, like the sky above the cornfields.

This card is put on every table in restaurants of the Wahaca chain in Britain. For any pound that you allow to be added to your bill toward Ukrainian relief, Wahaca will give another pound.


Yellow fading

Much of the world depends on wheat and barley from Ukraine. Putin has destroyed the port from which it is exported, Mariupol, besides blockading the whole Ukrainian coast with warships and ravaging farmers’ fields with tanks and artillery and scaring them from planting and harvesting. This is a large factor, along with Covid and climate worsening, in bringing millions of people to the brink of starvation. Britain could not have chosen a worse time in history to reduce its humanitarian foreign aid by 51 percent.


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