Wrongs suffered by individuals are far less important than those affecting multitudes. But, Continue reading “Two risky opinions”
Month: February 2019
Saturn run over by the Moon
Mercury’s vertical leap
Mercury stands farthest out from the Sun, in the evening sky.
Four planets and a skeleton key
Here is Saturday morning’s sky.
Two sugars in the Teaspoon
Here is the sky an hour before sunrise on Monday.
What was the fire Prometheus brought?
As I was taking my shower, some train of thought led me to an interpretation of the Greek myth of Prometheus. Continue reading “What was the fire Prometheus brought?”
A shiny place in the sky
The waxing Moon will appear close to Mars and remote Uranus in the evening sky of Sunday, February 10.
How many stars in Orion’s body?
How many stars can you see with naked eye inside the rectangle of Orion?
The groundhog and the extremes
It’s colder than ever – we woke to our first snow here this morning, February 1. So you’ll think at least one and a half times before going out in tomorrow’s dawn to see what the groundhog sees.