Here is the sky scene on the last evening of 2018.
Month: December 2018
A Quiz for Christmas Eve
An online quiz is like an exam to which students can bring their phones. Continue reading “A Quiz for Christmas Eve”
Earth is about to arrive at the December solstice, the fourth of the year’s four cardinal poi
Points, more
“Global warming should be called global heating, says key scientist.” Continue reading “Points, more”
Midwinter Minima
Comments: Cato, Stereo
Prose is linear, but the blog-and-comment system, Continue reading “Comments: Cato, Stereo”
Zodiac Wavy Chart for 2019
And “Astronomical Calendar Any-Year.” They’re out. Take a look – and
Comet Wirtanen
Periodic comet 46P Wirtanen is rapidly rising into our midnight skies, and rising toward naked-eye visibility.
A horseshoe of Earths
Venus is at its brightest in the morning sky. It’s been appearing in Continue reading “A horseshoe of Earths”