Scared of a shadow

Soon (Tuesday) we set sail for a sea voyage to the March 20 eclipse, so if I’m to send any reports they’ll have to be from my iPad, so I’m testing whether I’ll be able to do it.

There is an outbreak of alarmism, as so often before a large natural phenomenon, so let’s get that out of the way first. Articles such as claim that the power industry is worried. Some electricity is now derived from solar power, so there could be power outages in northern European countries as the sky darkes at noon.

The track of total eclipse passes almost entirely over water, some hundreds of miles northwest of Scotland and Norway. Partial eclipse reaches south as far as west Africa, the Middle East, and central Asia.

The Sun will become more than 90 percent covered in Scotland and Norway, up to about 80 percent in southern England, 60 percent in southern France. That is, at mid eclipse; in the hours before and after it tapers away. When you see only 10 percent of the Sun, as just before sunset, it’s still bright daylight. The passing of the Moon’s shadow will be like the slow passing of one cloud. Clouds are having more effect than this all the time.

Those who use solar panels have to reckon on a certain amount of cloudy weather, and don’t have to do extra planning for an eclipse.

One thought on “Scared of a shadow”

  1. Sounds so exciting Guy, and your post, obviously, came in strong and clear! Take care and enjoy!!!


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