Enlarged edition, with added illustrations (including cartoons) — making this popular walking model even more attractive!
This description was twice printed in magazines, and was revised and reprinted as a booklet because there are so many requests for copies of it. The exercise (first devised for children in an Indian reservation) has been performed annually or monthly by some astronomy clubs and at the American Museum of Natural History, New York; has been proposed as an installation in Portland, Oregon. and other cities; and we know of it being performed in Peru, Guadeloupe, Iceland, Japan, and along a kilometer of the Great Wall of China. 8.5 x 9.5 in., 26 pages, color painting on cover, illustrations; cartoons by Ian Dicks. 1989; 5th printing with revisions 2004; 2nd edition 2012; reprinted 2014. ISBN 978-0-934546-21-8. “It’s all utterly convincing; you’ll feel it in your bones. Education at its best. The author should get a prize” —Whole Earth Review “. . . well worth the price, an eye-opener for informal teachers, a piece of virtuoso pedagogy simple and right from first to last” —Scientific American “I never had so much fun! It was somewhere around Jupiter that the kids realized that something very strange and awesome was taking place. If only I could capture and bottle that moment. The look of wonder and awe was totally priceless.” —David Rousso, Illinois |
The atom is like a miniature solar system.
Starsin the Milky Way look close together but really are far apart, like the Sun and itsneighbors. Many of them could have families of planets.
The book has been translated into several languages, including Belarussian and Romanian
For some corrections to The Thousand-Yard Model, 2012 edition (corrected in 2014 printing), please click here.