A general guide to astronomy; some say it should be called the Astronomical Treasury. Road-atlas size (11 by 15 inches). Begins with an “Overview of Astronomy”and pictures that almost force you to understand coordinate systems and orientation in space. This book is sold out, for the 21st time. First published 1979; printed 21 times; 2nd edition 2010, with major illustrations remade, and many added features. 11 x 15 in., 73 pages, illustrations. 2010. ISBN 978-0-934546-60-7.
Among many other features are a map and catalogue of star names with their derivations; the seasons (including their linking with traditional dates such as Beltane, Hallowe’en, St. Lucy’s Day); the world’s calendars; precession and its many consequences; “Moonlight”and “Earthlight”and “Moon as Signpost”; comparative distances; a comprehensive Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram (the graph that relates all the kinds of star by color and brightness); and pages on constellations, meteor showers, double stars, variable stars. . . “The author has an unusual knack for thinking in three dimensions. It is one of the most inspired non-textbook introductions to the cosmos that have ever appeared.” —Sky & Telescope “A gold mine of information. A large variety of topics is covered and made clear with unique illustrations” —Baltimore Astronomical Society “In careful projection we view the place in which we live on the grand scale . . . The three dimensions are vivid; it is not a page we are inspecting but a spatial volume . . . an atlas of the glowing furniture of space . . . The text is excellent, full and clear, with almost no formal mathematics . . . The tough geometry is here and there allayed by a poet’s image . . . The entire work is a tour de force, the product of understanding and taste” —Philip Morrison in Scientific American “We get a characteristic ‘Now I see it!’ overview of how the universe fits together . . . The generous size of the pages permits far more detail to be included in the diagrams . . . Standard astronomy texts contain nothing akin to the graphics in this work” —Sky & Telescope |
A sphere-picture showing the boundaries of the 88 constellations:
Another, showing where the nearest stars are in space around us.
Great circles show the planes of the equator, ecliptic, Milky Way, and a horizon.