The Lyme Maze Game

Daedalus escapes the maze


Universal Workshop



Up the bank to the churchyard gate rises a pleasing composition of stonework, designed by my modest friend Terry Daly when he was churchwarden, to replace some narrow old steps.


The circular landing suggests an outdoor pulpit, to whose rail the vicar might come and deliver a homily; actually it is used by the romantic as a lookout over village and stars, for the church crowns a slope rising about a hundred feet from the valley. Much of the horizon is treed, but to the southwest is a long high grassy saddle over which a silver light from the sea often gleams under racing clouds in the evening.


The path slopes up to the church porch, which is in the middle of the south side—to the slight embarrassment of late arrivers for services, who would prefer to tiptoe in at the back.