You are going up Colway Lane, so called because just outside (north) of it used to be Colway Manor, whose estate blocked expansion of the town out along the river valley. It would be nice to be able to say that Colway Lane still serves as boundary between the town and the green country; it looks like that at the bottom, but soon you begin to find houses on the left. The driveways, paths, and flights of steps that lead to them are deeply notched into the steep bank. There is in fact a considerable hernia of the town across the lane.
It's quite a long climb up Colway Lane, and at the top you confront a larger road.

(On the opposite corner, some steps climbing the bank are almost hidden under pine needlesI didn't notice them at firstthey seem to lead up only to the roots of one of the huge pine trees. There must once have been a house standing close to the corner.)
Go down right, or straight,
or (if you are completely confused!) up left.