The rather grand pile on the corner is Coram Tower, now apartments.
William Coram was a rich Lymian of the eighteenth century who was shocked by the condition of abandoned children in the streets of London, gave his money to found the Coram Hospital for Deserted Childrenthe first institution of its kindand himself died in poverty.
In May 2007 we saw a production of The Coram Boy at the Imperial Theatre in New York. It told the story of two of Coram's orphans, who despite the social gulf between them were brought into friendship by their shared love of music: Toby, saved from an African slave ship, and Aaron, rejected son of a landowning father.
Ware LaneHangman's Crossend of townShire LaneDevon
open countryGore Lane/Ware Lanetop of Cannington LaneCharton Lane / Trinity Hill RoadRousdon