Universal Workshop

books etc. by
Guy Ottewell
Astronomical Calendar 2010
This famous atlas-sized annual book is the most widely used and
most attractive guide to what will happen in the night sky throughout
the year.
Each page is the size of three or four of an ordinary book, allowing
large spreads of mixed diagrams and text.
The Astronomical Calendar has been published continuously
since 1974, and is used by about 20,000 (amateurs, telescope-owners,
clubs, teachers, planetariums, libraries, enjoyers of the sky) in
over 100 countries.
11 x 15 in., 84 pages, many illustrations.
ISBN 978-0-934546-56-0.
REDUCED (August 20) to $15.95
For discounts, shipping charges, and other
ways of ordering see "contact and ordering"
at left.

An introduction explains how to use the various components of the
book and, if you are a beginner, what to select at first (since
there are so many levels of information). For each month there is
a large map of the evening sky; facing it, a diary of 40 or so events,
many with paragraph-long descriptions.
Other features on the monthly pages are diagrams of where the planets
are in their orbits, "Constellation Clues," "Telescopic
Tour", "Observer's Highlights," and sketches of the
most striking sky scenes.
Supplementary sections include Highlights of the Year, The Sun,
The Moon, Special Moons, Young Moon and Old Moon, Eclipses, Occultations,
each of the planets, Asteroids, Comets, Meteor Showers, Spaceflight,
Deep-Sky Profiles, Light Pollution, Glossary, Magnitude and Elongation,
Rising and Setting, Quick Reference, and a colored centerfold all-sky
map. Some features are contributed by experts Fred Schaaf, Clifford
Cunningham, Alastair McBeath, Alan Hale, Joe Rao, and Richard Nugent.
The cover painting and story for 2010 are about possible
alignments of ancient Mayan temples with the skysuch as the
pyramid at Palenque with its secret internal stairwayand about
the three Mayan calendars.

For prints of the cover paintings of
some past Astronomical Calendars, see "paintings"
at left. |
Every inch of its king-sized pages is
packed with artistry, information, lucid diagrams, and clever explanations
J. U. Gunter in Tonight's Asteroids
So valuable that many users keep their
copies for permanent reference George Lovi in Sky
& Telescope
Each year's book becomes more superbjust
when you think it can't get any better! A reader in
Thank goodness for Guy Ottewell.
If he didn't exist, I would have to invent him... [The book is]
of surpassing originality [and is] more than a calendar; it is a
compendium of all things astronomical that will happen during the
year, described with a graphic flair that is the author's particular
genius. The calendar is useful for neophytes, but it also evokes
the appreciation of experienced astronomers. It arrives every year
in December and, during early winter evenings, I curl up with it
and plan my coming year of stargazing. Chet Raymo in
The Boston Globe
It's hard to find one word to describe
Ottewell's Calendar: marvelous, educational, illuminating,
and classic just seem to scratch the surface. Beginning and veteran
observers alike love this book. I consider it a must-have even for
armchair astronomers. If you don't have a copy, buy one today...
The diagrams showing the motions of the planets and comets are alone
worth the price of this book. Dave Bruning in Astronomy
This is my husband's favorite Christmas
gift. I could buy him the moon and he would like this book better.
Lynda Detray, Troy, New Hampshire
Cover-painting story
For the Beginner
Explanation of the Main Features
Highlights of the Year
Sun and Seasons
The Moon
Special Moons
Young Moon, Old Moon
Dark of the Moon
Strip-Chart of the Moon
Eclipses (by Joe Rao)
Mercury and Venus
Outer Planets
Uranus and Neptune
Comets (by Alan Hale)
Meteors (by Alastair McBeath)
Occultations (by Richard Nugent)
Spaceflight (by Clifford Cunningham)
Light Pollution (by Fred Schaaf)
Deep-Sky Profiles (by Fred Schaaf)
Magnitude, Elongation
Quick Reference
Rising and Setting
Part of the "strip-diagram" of the Moon through the year

Saturn's rings, edge-on in 2009, are opening out

Part of the "All the Sky" chart

Our planet at 6 hours Universal Time on January 1
midnight on the Mississippi, dawn twilight for Europe

Additions/corrections for Astronomical
Calendar 2010:
Cover picture story:
A slight correction to the table of dates for the Mayan calendar,
and a lot more discussion, with some illustrations, of the
2012 scare (the supposed end of time!).
Page 27, for November: a
corrected page (the lines for Nov. 22-30 were lost because
of a technical error).
Back issues
of the Astronomical Calendar (1974 onward)
are reduced to $10 each.
To obtain these, please write, phone, or email (see "contact
and ordering" at left).
For some issues the only copies remaining are a few in the author's
Astronomical Calendar 2009
(still available) was a special issue for the International Year
of Astronomy.
Astronomical Calendar 2007
is unfortunately rare because it sold out in the first month of
Some readers have found it on www.ebay.com
and elsewhere at prices up to $70 or even more.
"I received a used copy of Astronomical
Calendar 2007 by way of amazon.com for about $100.00. It speaks
well for you that past issues make this buyer feel fortunate at
this price." Rolf Engel, M.D., Minnesota.